Self Mastery
The Best Life Strategist for Rapid Life Improvement
If you are looking for the best life strategist, it’s me.
When you stop laughing I’ll tell you why…
OK, to be the best life strategist you have to have the best life strategy.
And, I have it. I have it because I’ve done the work to know it.
You can read about it here:
Basically, it says to grow spiritually while mastering your mind.
It’s my proprietary way of quickly and easily getting you to be present.
That’s where the ultimate resides, in the immediate: the present.
Does Tony know this? I’m not sure he does. Maybe?
If you are asking if I believe that I’m better than Tony Robbins and other famous Gurus, I’d say “nobody’s better”.
But, I guarantee I’m cheaper and as, if not more, effective. So, my value to you is higher.
Yes, I know what I’ve said so far sounds egotistical. You’re correct. It does. But, it’s not.
I don’t think I’m special in any way. I’m about as average as they come.
Actually, I used to do some marketing so I’m specifically targeting the best life strategist keyword.
I’m am sure that I can help you as I know what works because I’ve done it myself.
Also, I won’t cost you a small fortune, like Tony.
And, it doesn’t matter where you are in life or what problems you have.
Pretty much everything can be fixed.
So, if you want rapid life improvement in less time, with less effort and obstacles, then you need the best life strategist.
Contact me and let’s get started or check out my manifestation blueprint for free.
About William Cassidy
William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.
Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.
Minimize or Eliminate Stress, Struggle and Pain
Want to minimize or eliminate stress, struggle and pain and experience peace, joy, love and fulfillment on a regular basis?
About William Cassidy
William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.
Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.
Stop Being Foolish and Spiritually Awaken
Have you ever wondered how to stop being foolish and spiritually awaken?
If you frequently act foolish, probably not.
If you have awakened, then maybe.
And, if you have spiritually awakened, then you probably also want to know how to grow spiritually faster because it feels so good and improves every facet of your life.
When your spirit is unrealized, your behavior will mostly be foolish but you’ll think yourself a genius.
Your mind is what decides your actions. This is foolish.
It’s not a “bad” thing. This is just part of humans development.
The next stage is to spiritually awaken.
You feel as if there must be something more, but you don’t know what it is yet.
You start to doubt your mind as the decider in chief.
Most people fall into one of these two categories.
The third stage is when your conscious spirit has grown so much that you move from doubting your mind to trusting your spirit completely.
Your life experience becomes one of peace, joy, love, ease and fulfillment.
You no longer have to experience the stress and suffering caused by your mind.
Unfortunately, most people never get to experience what many might call heaven on earth, godliness, divinity, etc.
Science, religions, society and our parents never taught us a better way…
But, if you want to eliminate the struggle, misery and self sabotage in your life, there is now a simple system to guide you.
Check out these features and benefits:
- simple and easy
- positive results are effortless and immediately noticeable
- improves well being, including your health
- works for everyone
- what all humans should have been taught as children
- ends or at least minimizes stress, struggle and suffering
- eliminates unwanted emotions, experiences and circumstances
- the best of what I learned from 25 + years of meditation, study and subjective experiments
- The Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System
- available now with low barrier to entry
- many, many more benefits…
So, if you want to stop living with self created stress, struggle and suffering and move beyond awakening to living your best life; stop behaving foolishly and leverage the Greater Powered Advanced Training System today, before it’s too late.
About William Cassidy
William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.
Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.
3 Critical Keys to Spiritual Maturity
Many are asking “what are the keys to spiritual maturity?”
One could interpret this question a few different ways, but I’ll explain it by giving you two of the most critical keys to spiritual maturity and then the real key.
Critical Keys to Spiritual Maturity
Know Who You Are
The first key is simply a basic understanding of who you truly are.
You are not your mind and/or body, you are the spirit.
Your spirit is your essential self: the conscious witness.
You can understand this, but you don’t believe it because you have competing beliefs that are stronger.
Those competing beliefs are that you are your mind. You identify with your mind including thoughts and beliefs.
This mis-identification is called ego.
You’ve been taught to identify with your mind and body all your life.
However, once you begin to understand that you are not your mind and are the conscious witness, you are what some would call “awakened”.
Now, you, the conscious you, can work on that which keeps you from developing spiritually. Namely, your mind.
Master Your Mind
Your mind has a few big issues to deal with.
First, it was programmed by your main caregivers and society when you were a child and incapable of discerning what got programmed.
This programming started immediately after birth and psychology tells us that it’s around 12 years old before you develop complete control.
This means that most of your programming is now subconscious to you, the spiritual witness.
Next, is your mind’s constant activity. Jumping from topic to topic, the Chinese call this drunken monkey mind.
And, this is obviously not helpful to your spiritual maturity.
Third is your focus. Most people’s ability to focus is severely limited by constant distractions.
Most don’t even realize you can focus your mind from uncontrolled thinking to conscious non-thinking.
Conscious non-thinking is meditation. Contemplation and concentration are the steps in between.
These three issues are the biggest hurdles to mastering your mind.
Now, all of this may sound complicated or daunting to learn, but it’s not.
Spiritual Growth via Mind Mastery
Once you know who you truly are, you can begin to get control of your mind.
It actually takes less effort than the constant thinking that drains your energy and causes you to feel a bunch of low frequency emotions that you don’t want to feel. Think fear, doubt, anger, frustration, guilt, jealousy, shame…
By the way, there are also numerous health, well being and better living benefits to mastering your mind.
The biggest consequence of mastering your mind is spiritual growth but also you’ll be able to choose the reality that you create and how you feel.
You will be able to end stress, struggle and suffering for good.
If that sounds like something you’d enjoy, I recommend you get the Greater Powered Advanced Training Program.
It’s the ultimate mind, body and spirit fitness system designed to help you quickly and easily self realize, master your mind and consciously create your best life.
If you want the fastest results with the least effort, then you should see if my coaching is right for you.
To close, in the beginning I told you that there were different ways to interpret the keys to spiritual maturity question. And, you’ve probably noticed I only gave you two keys so far.
So, to give you the third and most correctly answer this question; you consciously choosing is the key to spiritual maturity.
If you never choose to grow spiritually, you won’t.
Your mind will keep you suffering and your spirit undeveloped if you let it.
Today, I’m asking you to gain the knowledge, skill and understanding and be the keys to spiritual maturity by choosing to take action towards better living.
About William Cassidy
William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.
Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.
To Whom Is The Subconscious Programming of Your Mind Subconscious?
Ever wonder to whom the subconscious programming of your mind is subconscious to?
If you agree that you are your mind, body and spirit, continue reading…
Understand that your mind is not conscious, unconscious or subconscious, you are.
The you I’m referring to is your spirit self; your essential, eternal, higher and not mind self.
You are either conscious or unconscious of the programming of your mind.
The subconscious programming of your mind is the programming that you were once aware of but no longer are. Examples would include programming from your early childhood, chronic patterns of thought and any trauma you’ve experienced.
Are you conscious of ALL of your mind’s programming?
Is your spirit self liberated from your mind and in control of it?
Why is Your Subconscious Programming So Important?
Although there are many, I’m discussing one specific reason that will benefit you greatly to understand.
Your reality is created by this programming; both consciously and unconsciously.
When you are creating unconsciously, it’s because you are unconscious of your subconscious mind.
You are always creating. Creating is not something you do sometimes.
That’s a big reason why you experience people, circumstances and situations that you don’t want. Then, think something happened to you.
Nothing happens to you, you create it. You just aren’t conscious of the reason or the how.
When you understand the how, you can find the cause and fix it.
So, If you fix and optimize your unhealthy, unwanted, unnecessary, divisive, limiting, ineffective and disempowering programming, both conscious and subconscious, your entire reality will change accordingly; the created.
You should be aware of everything you believe and eliminate the programming that isn’t serving you with programming that does, or nothing.
Makes sense right?
Then, you will be the conscious creator and you can create, experience and feel anything you want.
You can also stop creating the crap that you don’t want.
This is what I want to help you know, live and experience…
If you want help overcoming your subconscious programming, my blueprint, advanced training course or coaching will get you results faster and easier than you might think possible.
About William Cassidy
William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.
Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.
Spiritual Healing Coach to Start Feeling Better and Better
I’ve been asked before if I am a spiritual healing coach.
I am.
But, I don’t use that terminology often.
I prefer spiritual guide and mindset coach.
Here’s why…
When I was a little boy, I always wanted to be the best I could be.
I wondered how spirituality played into this but, like you, I was never taught anything helpful.
Most of what I was taught was from a Christian perspective and it didn’t make sense to me.
Matter of fact, I thought it much of what I was taught was nonsensical.
I understood Jesus knew something that everyone else didn’t, including the local clergy. But I didn’t know what it was.
There were four other influential approaches to life that I also discovered as a child: science, Taoism and American Indian’s religion and philosophy; and Thoreau.
Somehow I knew science wasn’t the path and I knew Taoists and Indians understood something, like, Jesus, that others didn’t get.
It wasn’t until high school that I learned about Thoreau.
I knew he knew and became a big fan.
Now, I’m kinda getting off the spiritual healing coach topic, but they were my spiritual influences.
The point I’m trying to make is that for as long as I can remember, I believed that the best approach to life could be taken by all. It was not necessary to live in a cave, be celibate, go to jail or be “special” in any way.
I believed the best approach to life had to be simple, easy and absolutely didn’t require anything that everyone couldn’t do.
After a million arguments with family and friends where neither side had any proof and questionable facts, I would not let go of the belief that if life was difficult, you must be doing something wrong.
An emotional God who “wanted” made no sense to me either.
To clarify my point and analytical approach to better living further…
So, after a life of looking analytically, spiritual healing seems a bit misleading.
To me, you are not healing spiritually.
Your spirit is not damaged. It’s just not realized and/or free from your mind.
Your mind, however, has some serious issues.
The good news is that it can easily be repaired; and as you do the repairs, you start feeling better and better.
Also, your life gets better and better.
To me, you are fixing your mind, not healing your spirit, to grow and liberate your spirit.
This makes sense!
So, let me say it this way.
If you fix your mind, then you will grow spiritually and feel better.
And, here’s the better news…
There is an easy to follow system to help you do this.
It’s basically all the stuff you should have been taught but never were.
Just knowing this system is transformational.
It’s simple, easy and anyone can transform their life, no matter how screwed up you think you are.
It’s not expensive and there’s a free blueprint if you want to start with zero cost.
You don’t need a spiritual healing coach, mindset coach or anything else.
All you need is this system and to use it. It’s very easy to learn, simple to use and after a bit of practice everything becomes completely effortless.
Check out the most effective holistic health and fitness system you never heard of.
About William Cassidy
William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.
Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.
The Keystone for Creating Your Heaven on Earth
Knowing who you are is the keystone for creating your heaven on earth and the start of harnessing the infinite power and intelligence of the universe.
This quote is from William Cassidy’s Greater Powered Blueprint for Manifesting Your Unimaginable Dream Life.
The Blueprint is free.
About William Cassidy
William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.
Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.
Immediately Quell Anxiety, Depression and Anything Else
Immediately Quell Anxiety, Depression and Anything Else You Don’t Want to Feel with New System
- No Drugs
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- Takes Less and Less Effort
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You don’t have to experience any emotions that you don’t want anymore!
Greater Powered: The Ultimate Fitness System for Your Mind, Body and Spirit.
About William Cassidy
William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.
Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.
By P90X I Mean P90 Landscaping
Yeah, by P90X I mean P90 Landscaping, bitch.
It’s one of my many inventions like BBQ Bacon, reusable Q-Tips, Beer Yoga and bottles with wide openings for dispensing Ketchup.
It’s also my main summertime exercise program. It allows me to get my heart rate up, sweat out any toxins (by toxins I mean beer) and works my legs, arms and core.
You don’t need any expensive equipment, fancy clothes and there’s no expensive membership fee.
Cutting the lawn is pretty much available to anyone. If you don’t have a lawn, I’m sure a neighbor will lend you their’s.
They may even pay you!
Imagine getting paid to get in shape and healthier.
You gotta love America!
So Bill, what’s P90 Landscaping have to do with self realization or prosperity?
Great question Grasshopper.
It has to do with what I call Success Positioning.
Success Positioning is the process of putting yourself in circumstances and conditions that increase your likelihood of succeeding.
It’s the opposite of setting yourself up for failure.
Exercise is but one component of Success Positioning.
Others include, but are not limited to, sleep, environment, mental and physical diet.
For example, if you spend a lot of time in a toxic environment, you are decreasing your chances of being happy, healthy and fulfilled.
If you limit or eliminate your time spent in toxic environments, you will increase your chances of being happy, healthy and fulfilled.
Success Positioning is a technique that I always consider and leverage while coaching.
I’m writing a Master Course where I go into specific details about using Success Positioning for your benefit.
But, for now the only way to get this information is through my one-on-one personal coaching.
You can see all my coaching programs here:
I’d say that claiming your free coaching session is the best Success Positioning technique you could employ right now – even better than doing P90X or P90 Landscaping.
About William Cassidy
William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.
Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.
The First Step to Getting What You Want Is Not What You Think
The first step to getting what you want is not knowing what you want, like you may think.
Sure, it makes sense that If you don’t know what you want, you will never be able to get what you want. But…
There is a proceeding step that is rarely ever talked about by the so called experts. It’s rarely ever talked about because, yes they can help you get what you think you want, but they themselves have skipped this critically important first step.
The first step to getting what you want is knowing who you are.
Let me explain…
The reason this step is critically important is because that if you don’t know who you truly are, nothing you get will ever fulfill you.
You are out of alignment.
When you get what you “think” you want, there will always be a level of disappointment or dissatisfaction.
Your heart will never sing until you get what you “truly” want.
And the only way to get what you truly want is to know who you truly are; not who you think you are.
Who you think you are is your ego. It is the misidentification of who you are.
Who you truly are is the witness that never changes. It is your essential self; for lack of a better term. It is the source of you.
If you have no clue of your essential self, you are wasting your life in futility.
You will never have, do or experience that which truly makes you joyous.
Even if by worldly standards you are successful, you will always be experiencing an emptiness inside.
That’s part of why the rich and famous kill themselves. They seemingly have everything yet still feel unfulfilled. So, why continue?
Well, you don’t have to live an empty, hollow, disappointing, unfulfilled, worthless life.
All you have to do is know who you are.
Then, once you know who you are, you can get everything that you truly desire.
Living the life that you were truly meant to live eliminates all those negative, empty, hollow, disappointing, unfulfilled feeling and replaces them with feelings of purpose, satisfaction, fulfillment, abundance and joy.
It is simply a choice to spend some time discovering yourself or continue trying in futility to make yourself happy using worldly endeavors.
Jesus teaches us “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”
I’m saying the same thing, just different words.
So, the question becomes: how to know my essential self.
Luckily, it’s the first step in both my Greater Powered Advanced Training Program.
Discover exactly how to start and get everything that you truly want out of life.
So, stop living an empty, hollow, disappointing, unfulfilled, worthless life. And click the link to create a life filled with purpose, satisfaction, fulfillment, abundance and joy.
Take the first step to getting what you want, truly!
About William Cassidy
William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.
Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.
The Three Intentful Corrections
I’ve been doing the Qi Gong and the Three Intentful Corrections for a couple of decades now.
I swear by the benefits.
If you are unfamiliar, Qi Gong is a mind-body, healing, exercise, meditation practice. It’s like Yoga but different and the three Intentful Corrections are a foundational component of Qi Gong.
You may be more familiar with Tia Chi. Tia Chi is a derivative of Qi Gong.
Anyhow, the Three Intentful Corrections is said to distill the healing elixir within and promises healing on every level of our being.
“Minding the body and the breath, and then clearing the mind, distills the elixir within.” – Chinese Teacher
Basically, you will be consciously using you mind, body and breath to create balance and harmony in your mind, body and life.
As I said, I’ve been doing Qi Gong and the three intentful Corrections for probably 20 years or so and I rarely get sick.
I can’t even remember the last time I was sick. Sure, I get sniffles from time to time but never anything that would have me miss a day of work.
Can I say it’s all do to Qi Gong and the Three Intentful correction?
No, but…
I certainly believe it helps.
I would also add that meditation has been scientifically shown to have health and healing benefits. IMHO, meditation is like magnified sleep. It returns your body to homeostasis. Only meditation works better, faster and has numerous other benefits.
And, Qi Gong is a meditation.
Read the Benefits of Meditation That Gurus Never Share
How to Do the Three Intentful Corrections
I learned about them from reading Roger Janke’s book The Healing Promise of Qi. There were many beneficial teachings in the book but this was my big take…
The three Intentful Corrections is basically 3 simple steps in my words.
- Adjust your body and spine
- Deepen your breath
- Clear your mind
Simple right?
Just do them as often as possible. Do them as many times a day as you can.
Here’s a video I just found on YouTube of Roger explaining what to do that I highly recommend watching.
The Three Intentful Corrections are one of many techniques I’ve learned and practiced over the years that I can use to help you improve any and every facet of your life.
If you’d like to minimize and/or eliminate the stress, struggle and suffering from your life, so that you can create and enjoy health, happiness, fulfillment and abundance, then check out my Accelerated Lifestyle Transformation Coaching Program and contact me ASAP.
About William Cassidy
William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.
Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.
The Most Powerful Book I Ever Read
Before I tell you what the most powerful book I ever read was, I want to recap how we got here.
First, I mentioned great spiritual books that didn’t make my top 3 including The Celestine Prophecy, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, The Dancing Wu Li Masters, Be Here Now, The Seven Laws of Spiritual Success, The Four Agreements, The Seat of the Soul .
There were many more that I didn’t include (and for the purposes of this posts series I’ve discluded religious books like The Bible and the Tao Te Ching).
Then, I shared my third most powerful book I ever read and my second most powerful book I ever read. Namely The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolley and The Pathwork of Self-Transformation by Eva Pierrakos respectively.
The Most Powerful Book
So, the most powerful book I ever read is Osho’s The Book of Secrets.
No doubt!
Osho, also known as Rajneesh, Acharya Rajneesh and Bhagwan Shri Rajneesh is a controversial figure who called himself the “spiritually incorrect mystic”.
But, don’t let that influence you negatively.
I frequently advise people not to trust me but to listen, evaluate and decide for yourself. Let me earn your trust by repetitively helping you. When I have earned your trust, continue listening, evaluating and deciding for yourself.
The basis for that is also much of the basis of what Osho talks about in The Book of Secrets.
The Book of Secrets is Osho’s interpretation of the 112 meditations described in the Bhagavad Gita. The Bhagavad Gita is a Hindu scripture from around the second century BCE.
It took me about 4 years to complete the book. By “complete the book” I mean, play with all 112 meditations.
I say “play” because, that’s what I did. It’s always been a core philosophy of mine and it’s also what Osho recommends.
This is a serious book that can only be leveraged through playful implementation.
Have you ever heard that said about a book before?
Regardless, “playful implementation” is an important clue to successfully using this book.
You must be playful and you must do the work or you will get less benefit.
This Book Is Not for Everyone
But, If you are serious about your meditation practice, then this is the one book you should buy:
Get Osho’s The Book of Secrets now
If you are just beginning your meditation practice, I recommend an easier Osho book like Pharmacy for the Soul.
Or, in a similar fashion to how I found Osho, you could just go to Amazon and get one of his books that just seems to “speak to you”.
Anyhow, I highly recommend introducing yourself to the subtle wisdom of the most powerful book I ever read as you will, if you playfully implement the discourse, likely enjoy a powerful transformation.
About William Cassidy
William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.
Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.
The Second Most Powerful Book I Ever Read
Before I tell you about the second most powerful book i ever read, let me restate the third most powerful book: It was The Power of Now by Ekhart Tolley.
I also mentioned a few other helpful spiritual books. You can click the previous link to see more details.
Now that you are all caught up, my second most powerful book I ever read is The Pathwork of Self-Transformation by Eva Pierrakos.
It is a very practical book for getting to know your mind and fixing what isn’t working in your life.
It explains with great insight and detail the workings of your mind. And if you use it correctly you can seriously make your life easier and better.
It’s one of those books that, depending on where you are in your spiritual journey, may be even more helpful the second or third time you read it.
However, when you invest your money and buy the book, spend your time to read it and then implement it’s teachings, you won’t be disappointed as your returns will be exponentially beneficial to you.
Although I don’t suggest everyone read the number one, most powerful book I ever read, I do say that everyone should read The Pathwork of Self-Transformation; and The Power of Now.
Both of these books will help you live a better, happy, healthy and more peaceful life.
But, for a certain few, I recommend the most powerful book I ever read.
About William Cassidy
William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.
Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.
The Third Most Powerful Book I Ever Read
I’d have to say that the third most powerful book I ever read is Eckhart Tolley’s The Power of Now.
I read it, probably, almost 20 years ago now.
After embarking on a spiritual journey of books that included The Celestine Prophecy, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, The Dancing Wu Li Masters, Be Here Now, The Seven Laws of Spiritual Success, The Four Agreements, The Seat of the Soul and many more, I came across The Power of Now.
To my disbelief, I realized that it came as depicted in The Celestine Prophecy; exactly at the right time. And, everything just seemed to fall into place; all the books I read and the the ones I would soon be reading – and implementing.
I’ve never looked back.
I did give copies away to people I thought may appreciate it.
But usually when you give someone the keys to better living, they almost never immediately use them.
By the way, for the purposes of this and the following posts I’m discluding religious books like The Bible and Tao Te Ching.
The Powerful Effect
The Power of Now had a big, powerful effect on me.
It enabled me to get out of my own way and become the ultimate creator of my life.
I still had much to learn but life became increasingly easier and easier. I was no longer swimming upstream against the invisible current of my self sabotage.
Getting out of my own way became obvious and I began learning how to master how I felt. When I didn’t feel good, I not only knew why, but how to fix it.
As I said, The Power of Now is the third most powerful book I ever read.
Reading it – and practicing that which I learned – was a huge step in my growth as a human being.
It gave me some tools I didn’t have to make my life exponentially easier and better.
But, not nearly as many as the most powerful book I ever read.
If you’d like to make huge steps in your growth and personal development, I suggest reading The Power of Now and The Most Powerful Book I Ever Read.
If you want huge steps in your growth and personal development FAST, I suggest checking out my Advanced training Program or coaching program.
About William Cassidy
William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.
Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.
Life Mastery Secrets Simplified
There are a few life mastery secrets I’ve learned over my 25+ years of meditation and study. Here’s a quick life strategy overview everyone should know as soon as possible…
Self Actualization and Mastery Made Easy
Find What’s Missing
You know that deep seeded, conflicted feeling that something is missing, not right or went wrong. This solves that. Finding what’s missing allows you to feel whole, at ease and on the right track.
This is known as Self Realization.
Fix What’s Broken
Our parents and society messed all of us up to some degree. It’s just a matter of how much. Fixing that which is broken allows us to overcome our limitations and live the life we were always meant to live.
This is known as Mind Mastery.
Feel Amazing at Will
Ever have “bad” days? Once you learn these skills, you never will again. And, you’ll know exactly how to create any feelings that you want and how to use them to attract whatever you want.
This is know as Active Positive Focus.
Accelerate Your Results
The fastest and easiest way to self actualization and life mastery is by leveraging the experience and insights of someone who already has and knows. That’s me.
Continue reading blog posts for valuable insights or…
Leverage my Advanced Training Program that’s contains tons of life mastery secrets and is designed to help you quickly and easily transform you and your life:
Greater Powered – The Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System
About William Cassidy
William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.
Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.
Greater Powered Mass Movement and Mission
The Greater Powered Book
Invitation to Join the Movement
About William Cassidy
William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.
Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.