Mind Hacks
How to Love Yourself More Mind Hack
This is a great mind hack for how to love yourself more.
What’s great about mind hacks is that they improve your reality simply by changing your mind.
Sometimes, to change your mind takes a bit of work. Sometimes, a simple change of perspective does the work for you.
That’s the case in this How to Love Yourself More Mind Hack.
This hack is based on an analogy and a huge fact.
But first, understand that the key to all mind hacks is consciousness. You must be aware of your mind, especially your thoughts and beliefs.
So that when you catch yourself thinking or believing something unhealthy, unwanted, unnecessary, divisive, limiting, ineffective or disempowering; you can fix it.
When you understand the analogy I’m about to share, it becomes super easy to love yourself, and others, more because you understand why everyone behaves the way they do, including you.
Once you understand the why, It’s much easier to forgive and then love.
So here’s how to love your self more…
How To Love Yourself More
The analogy is to think of people like plants.
If you take care and nurture a plant with everything it needs: good soil, nutrients, light, water and love. AND, nothing happens to it that shouldn’t happen. It will flower 9 out of 10 times and bear fruit.
On the other hand, if the plant doesn’t get everything it needs and experiences things that shouldn’t happen to it, like being stepped on; 9 out of 10 times it will not flower or bear fruit.
It’s the same with people.
If we accept that most of the worst offenders in prison are not flowering.
And then look into their childhood, we’d see most have experienced some type of trauma or abuse. There are a few exceptions.
If we look to the most happy, healthy, helpful people, we’d see that they had loving, nurturing parents and escaped childhood without experiencing any trauma or abuse. Also, there are a few exceptions.
Everyone else falls in between these two extremes.
Additionally, this is the huge fact I mentioned earlier, understand that as part of the human condition we are wrongly taught to identify with our mind and body instead of our spirit. This causes a whole other level of dysfunction, but that’s a post for another day.
Just know that our parents and society screwed us up just like they were screwed up.
By screwed up I mean they taught us to think and believe a bunch of unhealthy, unwanted, unnecessary, divisive, limiting, ineffective and disempowering crap.
Everyone’s doing the best they can depending on how poorly programmed their mind is.
Your mind is a mechanical process created before you were aware of what was happening.
Much of this programming is now subconscious.
So, the healthiest and happiest people, not the wealthiest, mostly got what they needed as a child and can flower.
And the ones suffering the most, typically didn’t get what they needed, and worse still, things happened to them that shouldn’t have.
So, knowing this makes it much easier to be forgiving of the people who behave the worst.
It also makes it easier to forgive ourselves because we are on this spectrum too.
Truly, we are all doing the best we can with what we were taught; until now.
Now that you know, it’s up to you to do better.
The better is to forgive yourself, love yourself and to consciously change your unhealthy, unwanted, unnecessary, divisive, limiting, ineffective and disempowering thoughts and beliefs.
The good news is that no matter how damaged we are, it can all be easily fixed. You just have to do it.
At first it may be a bit scary, but with time and practice, everything becomes effortless and you feel extremely confident and at ease.
To get started, I recommend the Greater Powered Advanced Training Program. It has everything you need. It’s the ultimate mind, body and spirit fitness system.
It’s everything you weren’t taught but should have been.
If you have kids, you should definitely know this or you’ll screw them up just like you were.
I’m not going to try and convince you anymore, go take a look and see for yourself all that you get.
So, if you want to learn way more than just how to love yourself more, take inspired action right now.
If you want the fastest results possible than let’s talk and I’ll help you get immediate results.
About William Cassidy
William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.
Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.
Ho’oponopono Prayer Mind Hack
What I’m calling the Ho’oponopono Prayer mind hack is an extremely powerful, yet super simple Hawaiian cleansing prayer that will quickly increase your vibrational frequency and cause you to feel and attract better.
I call it a mind hack for a couple of reasons:
One, too many people negatively understand prayer as talking, asking or begging for help.
That’s not what a prayer is. But, that discussion is better suited for another day…
Two, mind hacks are understood as a tool to be used by your essential self to shortcut your mind. The hope is that this understanding leads one to know that you are not your mind.
And if you are not your mind and don’t know who you are, then, at least start asking, who am I?
It could also be called and used as a mantra, meditation or affirmation.
So, the Ho’oponopono Prayer mind hack…
Ho’oponopono Prayer
This is a really great way to cleanse yourself, but like I stated previously with it’s names, it certainly has multiple effective uses.
I’ll let you figure them out, but they all effectively increase your vibrational frequency and cause you to feel better.
And when you feel better, you attract better.
I’ve used the Ho’oponopono Prayer as a kind of rapid reset to change my vibrational frequency when I’ve found it to be lower than I’d like.
Additionally, I’ve used this to increase my vibration just because…
To use it as a mind hack, there are four phrases that you repeat as many times as necessary. I’d suggest at least 4 times, but even once works and more than 4 can be additionally helpful. You decide.
I will put the longer, original prayer at the bottom.
Start by calling your higher power: God, Jesus, Source, Father, etc.
Then, repeat out loud, when possible, “I’m sorry”, “please forgive me”, “thank you” and “I love you” with feeling”.
That’s it. Super simple huh?
I recommend doing the original version from time to time. Reading it is very useful, but if you can memorize it, do so.
And, do the best you can to mean it.
Pause between phrases and feel it.
Be aware of the feeling each phrase causes.
I’d also recommend that before you start, apply the principles of the Three Intentful Corrections: adjust your body and spine, deepen your breath and clear your mind.
I recommend the Three Intentful Corrections a lot…
Original Ho’oponopono Prayer
Here is the original Ho’oponopono prayer by Morrnah Simeona:
“Divine creator, father, mother, son as one. If I, my family, relatives, and ancestors have offended you, your family, relatives, and ancestors in thoughts, words, deeds, and actions from the beginning of our creation to the present, we ask your forgiveness. Let this cleanse, purify, release, cut all the negative memories, blocks, energies, and vibrations, and transmute these unwanted energies to pure light. And it is done.”
“Spirit, Superconscious, please locate the origin of my feelings, thoughts of (fill in the blank with your belief, feeling, or thoughts that you want to erase). Take each and every level, layer, area, and aspect of my being to this origin. Analyze it and resolve it perfectly with God’s truth. Come through all generations of time and eternity. Healing every incident and its appendages based on the origin. Please do it according to God’s will until I am at the present, filled with light and truth. God’s peace and love, forgiveness of myself for my incorrect perceptions. Forgiveness of every person, place, circumstances and events which contributed to this, these feelings, thoughts, and beliefs.”
What’s Next?
Not every prayer, meditation and mind hack is best suited for you. Would you like me to give you the best mind hack to permanently solve your biggest problem?
About William Cassidy
William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.
Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.
A Simple Self Realization and Mind Mastery Technique Anyone Can Use
Here’s an extremely empowering yet simple self realization and mind mastery technique anyone can use.
Start by watching all the words that you think or say.
Then, try to catch yourself using any disempowering language.
By “disempowering language” I mean words and phrases that reinforce a lack of power.
Examples would include sentences that start with: “I can’t”, “I have two” or “I Always”. Any conversation where you put yourself down. “I’m not good at”, “I’m a dumb ass” or “I’ll never be good at this”.
When you catch yourself, correct yourself.
Lovingly say to yourself something appropriately positive. Eventually, you can drop this talk also as this exercise becomes effortless.
Make it work for you by changing the disempowering language to empowering language.
So, “I can’t”, “I have two” or “I Always” might become “I can”,” I choose to” and “I respond accordingly”.
“I’m not good at”, “I’m a dumb ass” and “I’ll never be good at this” might become “I’m good at”, “I’m a genius” and “I’m a fast learner”.
The idea is to use words that are positive. You can use your own words.
That’s it. Now watch for the next time you use disempowering language.
Once you’ve completed this repeat this for any thinking that is unhealthy, unwanted, unnecessary, divisive, limiting and ineffective.
Don’t stop with thinking, check your beliefs, convictions and expectations too.
Self Realization
Now, self realization. If you haven’t noticed already. You are not the words, thought, beliefs or convictions.
You are the one who is aware of the thoughts, words, beliefs and convictions.
Now you know who you are. You are awakened.
That’s certainly a simple self realization technique, yes?
Now, simply continue growing your consciousness and mastering your mind.
Basically, your consciousness expands and your identification with your mind shrinks.
Then, you feel better and you create better.
If you like this, you’ll love Greater Powered.
It’s an advanced training course for self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.
You’ll learn how to grow your spirit, which feels amazing; master your mind which stops you from feeling “bad”; and create any reality you want.
It’s the best way to have a healthy mind, body and spirit.
About William Cassidy
William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.
Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.
Whatever You Are Against, You Will Get More Of It
Whatever you are against, you’ll get more of it.
You are giving it attention, so it grows.
Stop paying attention to what you don’t want.
Start envisioning what you do want.
Frequently and consciously hold that vision. Use all your senses.
Turn it from a possibility to a probability, to expectation and then into a certainty.
Start with faith. Start with small and easy to build momentum. Use gratitude.
If you want to learn how to consciously create anything you want, leverage Greater Powered.
About William Cassidy
William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.
Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.
How To Focus On One Thing Without Getting Distracted
Most people don’t know how to focus on one thing without getting distracted.
Partly because we live in the age of distraction.
Mostly because we don’t even know how to focus.
For this article, I looked up “how to focus” and the answer was misleading at best.
The number one google result says “There’s no one answer for how to improve focus, but the following tips can help”.
This is clearly wrong and misleading.
They suggest tips to help you improve your focus but do not teach you how to focus.
Example, their first tip “eliminate distractions” is a very helpful and makes sense but it’s doesn’t teach you how to focus.
Eliminating distraction makes it easier, obviously, but it doesn’t explain how to focus.
What this tells me is that the article was written by someone who doesn’t know how to focus because they have never mastered their mind.
Let me tell you how to focus and see what you think.
First, it’s important to understand what focus actually is.
Focus is the conscious narrowing of the mind’s movement and activity.
When your mind has no focus or boundaries, it can jump from topic to topic like a drunken monkey.
When your mind has some focus, it has a boundary. It’s movement is constrained. It can still jump around, but not anywhere. Only within the designated boundaries.
This is called contemplation. The boundary is a self imposed topic.
When your mind’s focus is on a singular item and it can not jump around. It must stay at that one point or on that one thought. This is called concentration.
How to Focus
So, how to focus?
Limit your mind’s activity from broad to narrow by consciously limiting it’s movement.
Every time it moves beyond the constraint, consciously bring it back to within.
This can seem difficult or impossible at first but it’s a skill you can easily develop with some practice.
The practice I would recommend the most is meditation.
Meditation is when your mind’s activity is consciously stopped. Your mind has no room to move, not in space or time. This is meditation.
And just so you know, many meditation techniques are basically concentration techniques that you are meant to eventually drop to experience meditation.
So, yes there is a singular technique for how to focus. It’s consciously narrowing the movement and activity of your mind.
And yes, activity is movement, I use them together for clarity.
Meditation is also the single best way to improve your life that I have ever found.
Meditation allows you to grow your spiritual influence and master your mind as well as improve your focus.
How To Focus On One Thing Without Getting Distracted
So, now you know how to focus on one thing without getting distracted.
Just to be clear, you will get distracted. The idea is to pull yourself back to task. This builds a sort of strength, then it becomes easy.
Even when you master your mind, you will regularly have to control it.
But, your mind will not cause you the level of pain and suffering you experience before mind mastery. And you will feel amazingly great as your life is not being wasted by your mind.
Besides meditaion for focusing on one thing without getting distracted, I have other techniques to help you grow your spirit, master your mind and consciously create your best life in my holistic health and fitness system.
Be warned, your life will never be the same…
About William Cassidy
William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.
Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.
How to Make Yourself Feel Better About Yourself
If you’ve ever wondered how to make yourself feel better about yourself, it’s really pretty easy.
Actually, it’s effortless once you practice a bit.
There are only two ways to make yourself feel better about yourself: grow spiritually and master your mind.
When you grow spiritually, your overall vibrational frequency increases which means you feel better.
When you master your mind, you eliminate what causes you to feel “bad”. Namely, low frequency beliefs that are felt as emotions like fear, hate, guilt and shame.
So, if you grow spiritually, you can master your mind and by mastering your mind you’ll grow spiritually.
The result will be decreased stress, struggle and suffering as well as a life well lived.
The question becomes, how fast do you want positive results.
If you like going it alone like me, you may save your money and download my free blueprint. All the information and the tools you’ll need are included.
If you want faster results, take my advanced training course.
To get the best results the fastest and easiest, you want my coaching. The course comes with it.
Anyway, now that you know how to make yourself feel better about yourself, take some action today towards the life you really want.
About William Cassidy
William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.
Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.
Problems Are Easy to Solve Before They Begin Quote
“Problems are easy to solve before they begin” is another one of my favorite quotes that I frequently use but don’t know who said it.
Did I come up with it? I doubt it, it sounds too wise.
Also, I may have bastardized it from something someone else said.
I searched without luck for its original author.
My guess would be Lao Tzu or Osho.
Regardless, contemplate it’s meaning for a bit, then put it into practice.
Try to notice where each problem originates and if there was something you could have done differently that would have delivered a better outcome.
The answer is always “yes”.
Notice how much easier solving them becomes.
That’s why “Problems are easy to solve before they begin” is one of my favorite quotes. I like simple and easy.
Incidentally, solving problems earlier will dramatically improve your life.
If you implement this incredible life strategy, you will learn how to not create problems in the first place.
And, you’ll will eventually notice that all of your problems begin the same way.
Once you learn the secret, you can stop creating problems that you don’t want.
You may be saying that you don’t want any problems but that’s not healthy either. I say this from personal experience.
You want some problems, but you want to be the one choosing your problems and not too many or all at once either.
That way you only experience the “good” problems you want and you can still grow and enjoy.
If you want to know where your problems originate or you want better problems, I recommend you get started today with my Greater Powered Advanced Training Program.
It’s a holistic health and fitness system for your mind, body and spirit.
You’ll learn the knowledge, skills and understanding to transform your life into whatever you want or choose.
Don’t stress and suffer a minute longer. Get Greater Powered today.
About William Cassidy
William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.
Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.
Be Against Nothing and Nothing Will Be Against You
“Be against nothing and nothing will be against you” is one of my all time favorite sayings.
I don’t know where it came from but I’m hoping that I made it up?
We need to stop fighting everything we don’t want and start creating what we do want.
For example, we have wars on drugs, poverty, illiteracy, disease, etc.
How’s that working out?
We get more of it, no?
That’s what happens…
Whatever we focus on grows.
So, if we focus on stopping war, we’ll get more war.
The Mother Teresa story illuminates this point the best.
When she was asked to attend an anti-war rally, she basically said that she wouldn’t attend unless it was a peace rally. She understood this.
Focus on peace, you’ll get more of it. Focus on war and you’ll get more of it.
It doesn’t matter whether you are for or against it, just that your attention is on it.
Side note: This is a big clue to tell whether someone is full of shit or not.
If they are against something, you should probably stop listening to them because they definitely don’t know any better.
This has helped me uncover numerous unhealthy beliefs I held.
Be against nothing and nothing will be against you.
About William Cassidy
William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.
Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.
How to Mentally Feel Better
If you are asking how to mentally feel better, it’s likely because you are currently feeling like crap. Although there are plenty of good reasons to feel like crap today, it’s mostly unnecessary.
But, once you learn a few lessons, you’ll see that it’s entirely within your power to eliminate all of your suffering. Then, simply usher in a world in which you feel mentally better and better until you feel amazing.
Basically, there are only two ways to feel better: increase your consciousness and master your mind.
Interestingly, they work together. The more you master your mind, the more conscious you become and the more conscious you become the more your mind is mastered.
When you increase your consciousness you are accessing, for lack of a better word, the ultimate power and intelligence of the universe. This, in and of itself, will cause you to feel better.
This power and intelligence knows exactly what you need and will give it to you; if you let it.
The problem is you never let it. That’s where mastering your mind comes in.
Mastering your mind not only increases your consciousness, it eliminates what is causing you to feel “bad”.
Plus, you can also implement thoughts and beliefs that cause you to feel “good”.
So, the answer to how to mentally feel better is to simply master your mind.
Assume that everything that you feel comes from something you think.
Change what you think and you’ll change how you feel.
For specific directions on how to master your mind, start by downloading and reading my Greater Powered Blueprint.
It’s not difficult and anyone can do it.
The Blueprint contains everything you need to know about how to mentally feel better. Simply read it and use the tools provided.
Of course, you could always just schedule a coaching session with me, first one’s free, and I’ll help you.
It’s basically a matter of speed. You get quicker, better results with personalized coaching but doing it yourself doesn’t cost you any money.
Either way, if you immediately take some action, you’ll mentally feel better.
About William Cassidy
William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.
Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.
This Is More Beneficial Than Competition is for You
This is more beneficial than competition to you…
Are you curious?
It’s cooperation.
It’s subtle, but here’s why…
You strengthen the belief that you are separate when you compete. You are also, subtly, trying to benefit yourself. Which will come at the expense of others.
And counter intuitively, this is the least beneficial for you.
Conversely, through cooperation, you begin see, understand and believe that you are connected to every other person and thing.
And this is extremely beneficial to you.
Once you have the belief that you are connected, you can’t feel lonely, isolated or unwanted and you do start feeling more connected, loved and appreciated.
When you “know” that you are connected, you know that helping others up is of great benefit to you.
Then, you not only feel connected, but you also feel fulfilled.
I’m not saying to be against competition.
I’m saying cooperation is more beneficial than competition is for you.
About William Cassidy
William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.
Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.
Let Go of Outcomes Mind Hack
Let go of outcomes and stop wasting your energy.
This mind hack will help you regain your energy and help you with your health and sleep.
When you are thinking about outcomes, you are not being present and are missing all the potential of the current present moment.
And, If you are present, there will be no reason to worry about outcomes as everything will take care of itself exactly as it should.
Plus, it will work out more frequently for your benefit, pleasure and joy.
If you liked this hack, download The Ultimate Mind Hacks List.
For the ultimate fitness system for your mind, body and soul, visit: GreaterPowered.com.
About William Cassidy
William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.
Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.
Why I Like Everything Mind Hack
Want to know why I like everything?
First and most importantly, it forces you to be aware. Being conscious is essential to healthy, successful living.
Second, your focus is beneficial. It will be focusing on what you want more of. You’ll be running high vibrational emotions like love and gratitude. This is why you get more of what you love to focus on.
Third, your focus will not be on that which is detrimental. So, you won’t be creating more of what you don’t want.
Fourth, you’ll start creating more of what you truly enjoy and want more of in your life simply from being aware and leveraging the higher vibrations of consciousness.
Fifth, I’m grateful for the contrast. The contrast allows me to happily dislike stuff I really don’t like. jk
So, that’s why I like everything.
The mind hack is to start liking everything too; and stop giving your energy to the things you don’t like and want.
What To Do Next?
If you liked this hack, download The Ultimate Mind Hacks List.
If you want to like everything or you want to get rid of the crap (people, circumstances, emotions and experiences) in your life, you can get what you want the fastest at GreaterPowered.com.
About William Cassidy
William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.
Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.
Creating the Life You Expected You’d Have
About William Cassidy
William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.
Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.
Isolation and Loneliness: Defense and Dilemma
Have you ever noticed the difference between isolation and loneliness?
Most of us learned that we have senses: touch, taste, smell, hearing and vision, but we have others.
Is there an experience you have when you felt as if somebody was watching you, you couldn’t see them but you knew they were; and you were right?
And, having good sense is important!
How about a time when you felt like you were physically isolated from everyone?
I remember a time I went fishing in the middle of a lake during a rain storm. I remember thinking that if anything happened to me no one would know.
Screaming at the top of my lungs would be futile as no one would here me over the rain slapping into the water’s surface…
I felt isolated.
I felt isolated because I was.
That’s a sense and I want to be sensitive.
Loneliness however, is not a sense. It’s an emotion.
It comes from something you think.
Therefore, if you want to minimize or eliminate loneliness, simply eliminate the thoughts and beliefs that cause it.
In my Greater Powered Blueprint I teach you exactly how to eliminate thoughts and beliefs, including subconscious beliefs, that cause you to suffer:
Greater Powered Blueprint
You can also read a previous post of mine:
Specifically, the thoughts and beliefs that cause loneliness are the thoughts and beliefs that confirm or reinforce that you are separate.
They are wrong. You are not separate!
You are connected to everything.
Every person, animal, plant and thing.
So, to the extent that you believe otherwise and how much you focus on your separateness, will be the extent of your loneliness.
You can continue suffering; living without the connection that we all desperately need to be happy, healthy and thrive or fix it.
Read the blueprint:
Greater Powered Blueprint
Or, if you don’t want to deal with going it alone and all the figuring out, hurdles and setbacks aggravation; and you want faster results, simply sign up for my coaching and I’ll get you started.
About William Cassidy
William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.
Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.