You Will Never Feel Whole and Complete Unless You Do This…
When I say that you will never feel whole and complete unless you this, I do mean never.
You can bury or deny that extremely uncomfortable “something’s missing”, incomplete feeling, but you will never feel whole.
You may have a partner and think that they complete you, but they don’t.
If you add two incomplete people together, you don’t get two whole people.
Sure it feels great and I’m not against it, but it doesn’t make you feel whole and complete.
Actually, having a partner is often a subtle way of distracting and denying that incomplete feeling.
Only one thing will make you feel whole and that is self realization; knowing your “true” self.
My language preference is “essential” self.
Your true self is essential and eternal and if you don’t know who you are, you will always have the feeling that something is missing.
Sure, you can bury it or live your life with worldly distractions, but it’s there.
This is a reason many can’t be alone or in silence.
If you are someone who is always in your phone, have TV or music on or some other distraction including children, hobbies and service to others, then, most likely, you don’t know your essential self, and that’s why.
How to Know Your Essential Self
The simplest way to self realize is to start meditating. You will uncover who you really are in time.
Another way is to make the mind shift from identifying your self as a physical human being to understanding then knowing that you are metaphysical.
You are so much more than your mind, body, thinking, past-future identification.
I outline another technique in my “Greater Powered Blueprint” mini-class, that imparts the best way to start.
But, if you want the best results the fastest, I recommend joining one of my Greater Powered coaching programs.
I have two…
One is VIP and the other is Unlimited Coaching and they both come with access to the more detailed “Greater Powered Advanced Training Program”.
However, your real benefit is having someone with experience helping you navigate and overcome the obstacles and self sabotage that you will surely experience along your journey.
Plus a whole lot more!
So, stop suffering with that “something’s missing” feeling for the rest of your life and take action to feel whole and complete.
About William Cassidy
William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.
Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.
Mindset Coach, William Cassidy, Launches FREE Mini-Class That Simplifies Life Mastery
Author, Publisher and Mindset Coach William F. Cassidy launches new training offering a simplified life mastery blueprint called “Greater Powered: The Blueprint for Manifesting Your Unimaginable Dream Life” that helps anyone who isn’t thrilled with their life feel complete, confident, healthy, relaxed, and fulfilled; eliminate unwanted people, things, circumstances and experiences; and effortlessly create their dream life.
For most of us, our life isn’t exactly what we thought it would be and we don’t understand why. In this simple 5 step blueprint Cassidy helps you find what’s missing and fix what’s broken so that you can attract, achieve and experience everything you want, eliminate anything you don’t and live your best, happy, healthy, abundant dream life.
“Think of it this way” says Cassidy “pretend you have the power to attract any thing, person, experience or circumstance that you want into your life, eliminate any thing, person, experience or circumstance that you don’t want and feel powerful, confident, at ease and fulfilled while you do it. Well, you have this power. What you don’t have is the knowledge, skill and understanding to leverage it beneficially. This is what I’m teaching in my mini-class and coaching programs.”
The training is less than 20 minutes and can be accessed for free with the blueprint report at greaterpowered.com. There is also an advanced training program that expands in detail on the blueprint. Currently, it is text based and can only be accessed with one of his Greater Powered coaching programs. It is being finalized into a one off product and no official release date has been set.
William Cassidy is a best selling author with over 20 years of meditation, study and personal experiments and has been seen on ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX and many other well known news media websites. To learn more about Bill’s products and coaching services, visit wfcassidy.com or contact William at (631) 287-6615.
About William Cassidy
William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.
Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.
Negative Effects of Meditation
I recently wrote about the benefits of meditation and today I thought I’d flip the coin and discuss the negative effects of meditation.
The timing works out well for another reason also, I just read an article discussing the dark side of meditation. I found the article interesting and decided to do a bit of further research.
Here’s my take away on the several articles that I read…
They all discussed the possibility of experiencing negative side effects like, nausea, headaches, hallucinations and amplification of emotional problems.
A Critical Meditation Distinction
In my over 20 years of meditation, I never experienced any negative physical side effects. However, I did experience what I may describe as hallucinations while meditating; seeing colors and light with movement.
I wouldn’t say that I experienced amplified emotional problems, but emotions do become more obvious.
That leads me to the important distinction that seemed to be missing from each of the articles I read.
That distinction is that meditation is conscious non thinking. So, if you are perceiving an emotion, a hallucination, a headache as a problem, then you are not meditating. You are thinking.
The problem arises from a deficiency in our language. We understand meditation as a doing when in fact it is exactly the opposite.
We confuse meditation with meditation techniques.
Meditation is less the problem and the problem has more to do with the meditation technique being used.
By the way, one of the articles was relatively clear about this, but the others, not so much…
Meditation, as I stated earlier is conscious, non thinking. Meditations, meditating and doing meditation describe techniques to assist you in becoming meditative; or again, conscious but without thought.
So, in my opinion, which wasn’t clear in any of the article I read is this; Meditation, if you are conscious and not thinking, has very few if any negative effects.
You may get cramps, but that’s not meditations fault, it’s your position or duration.
My point is conscious non thinking is never the problem, it’s almost always something else.
How to Overcome the Negative Side Effects of Meditation
Also in my opinion, the most common problem is the meditator having the wrong meditation technique for their unique experience and personality.
This why having a coach, someone who has practiced meditation for years and years is so valuable.
A coach can also address another common side effect of meditation, and that is the dealing with confusion, stuck and misinterpretations. This is the negative mental side of meditation and how anxiety, depression and amplified emotional issues come into play.
Overcoming your ego and the unhealthy, ineffective and self destructive thoughts, beliefs and convictions we all have is part of the process. But, like I did and you may too when you go it alone, you may go down some “wrong” paths that keep you stuck and suffering. Occasionally, problems become exacerbated.
If you choose to go it alone without a coach, may I suggest reading my Greater Powered Advanced Training Program.
But, if you want accelerated results with minimized aggravation, without wasting a lot of time, energy and money, then check out my coaching programs.
Click the link above, safely get started meditating and avoid most, if not all, of the negative effects of meditation.
About William Cassidy
William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.
Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.
How to Know Who You Are
Knowing who you are is the keystone for everything that benefits your health and well being.
Knowing who you are is literally the keystone for creating your heaven on earth and the start of harnessing the infinite power and intelligence of the universe. And the less you know your true self and the more you are identified with anything worldly (mind/body), you will feel less powerful, confident and in control and more miserable, confused and victimized.
To self realize (know your true self), start by paying attention. Paying attention grows into consciousness. The best way to start paying attention is by paying attention to the words you think and say and your state of being (how you feel).
Another great method for self realizing is to take up a meditation program. Meditation is like weight lifting for self realization.
Here’s how to meditate: The simplest, and arguably the best, way to meditate is to get comfortable, relax, straighten your spine, take several deep breaths then breathe naturally. Then, simply observe your breathing, wait and watch with no judgment. Nothing is to be done. And, every time you find yourself thinking, bring yourself back to watching your breath again. The idea is to stop thinking. That’s it.
Also, implementing the steps discussed in this blueprint will lead you to self realization; self realization, mind mastery and the ability to consciously create.
Once you self realize, you can know what you want. When you know who you are and want you want, you can create it in your life. Otherwise, you create things you “think” you want, and they won’t be aligned with what you truly want and you won’t be fulfilled.
Love, support and favor,
Would you like have the knowledge, skills and understanding to leverage the infinite power and intelligence of the universe to create or eliminate anything in your life that you choose?
About William Cassidy
William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.
Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.
How to Know What You Want; Simplified Method
It is critically important to know what you want to get what you want.
If you don’t know what you want, how can you get it?
Maybe you’ll get lucky? But, that doesn’t seem like a very good strategy.
So, if you want to hit the bull’s eye, you have to have a target.
The best way to know what you want is to simply ask yourself. I use and recommend this three step method:
- Connect to source (stop/relax, imagine light, meditate, breath work or other).
- Ask (what do I really want, how might that feel, why do I want to feel that?) and repeat.
- Notice (how the answers make you feel; when something bubbles up as opposed to what comes from your ego). You can change the “ask” question to suit your needs: “What is my purpose for existing”, “What might it feel like to know what I want”, etc.
The correct answers will arise and they are the ones that make you feel “good”.
Simply continue asking questions and noticing how you feel until you get the responses that make you feel the best.
Whatever makes you feel the best is what you truly want.
When you know what you want, you are so much further than most people and you are so much closer to getting it into your life.
Plus you will start to feel confident, at ease, more in control and fulfilled because you know you are getting closer.
That’s how to know what you want.
(This excerpt originates and has been edited from The Greater Powered Blueprint)
About William Cassidy
William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.
Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.