Self Realization
Spiritual Ascension Guide for the Best and Fastest Results
Are you looking for a spiritual ascension guide?
Then you are in the right place because that’s exactly what I teach.
Although I typically call myself a spiritual or mindset coach, they all are pretty much the same.
So, what exactly does a spiritual ascension guide teach.
I basically teach two things: how to grow spiritually and how to master your mind.
As I’ve said before, growing spiritually causes one to feel better and mastering your mind causes one to stop feeling “bad”.
What Is Spiritual Ascension?
First, a couple of things to understand…
You know how your phone, laptop or tablet needs to be regularly charged or it work. It doesn’t have life, it’s dead when it’s not charged.
Well, humans are similar except more sophisticated and powerful.
We also don’t need a wire and when we recharge, we also get some healing.
That charging process is called sleep.
When you sleep, the universe, source, god or whatever you prefer, energizes and returns you to your state of homeostasis.
If you don’t sleep, you’ll become less healthy, your performance will suffer and you can die.
Have you ever wondered why or what is actually happening during sleep?
What’s happening that’s notable, is that your mind is off. The constant activity and thinking is off.
Important note: you are unconscious and you are not thinking.
The thinking is absorbing or wasting all of your life when you are awake, and when the thinking stops, you receive the life energy from the universe.
This all takes place, as I said, unconsciously during sleep.
Meditation is the technique to consciously stop thinking.
When you meditate, it’s the same as when sleeping, but even more powerful. Your health and energy are restored; along with your spirit elevating.
That’s what meditation is. It’s conscious nonthinking.
So, you are receiving the ultimate power and intelligence of the universe all the time, but while you are awake, you are wasting it all with incessant thinking and identifying with it. When you consciously stop thinking, you are not wasting your life force and it automatically energizes and heals you.
What Does That Have To Do With Spiritual Ascension?
Now that you better understand the process that is taking place for all humans, let me put it all together.
To spiritually ascend means to grow your spirit while decreasing your minding (identification, focus and activity of the mind).
To spiritually ascend you must master your mind. And when you spiritually ascend, you will feel better and create better.
How To Know If You Spiritually Ascend
Another point to highlight is that your ascension can be measured.
When your spirit ascends, your overall vibrational frequency rises.
This can be measured by feeling. Higher consciousness feels better. Lower consciousness, feels worse but you really don’t notice because you are, be definition, not aware. Your life sucks as you feel like a victim of life and the negative emotions you frequently experience.
So, hire vibes, higher consciousness, spiritual growth, mind mastery; peace, joy and fulfillment; all mostly mean the same thing. At least practically speaking.
Do I Need A Spiritual Ascension Guide?
Yes, almost everyone does!
But you can still progress by doing it yourself.
I recommend starting with my free blueprint for manifesting your unimaginable dream life. It contains everything you need to master your mind and spiritually ascend.
However, if you want faster results, check out the advanced training course.
It’s a holistic health and fitness masterpiece if you ask me; and one of the best ways to spiritually ascend without receiving personalized coaching.
If you want a spiritual ascension guide for the best and fastest results, apply to get coaching with me. It’s free to apply and there is no risk to find out more.
I look forward to helping you spiritually ascend and create your best life.
About William Cassidy
William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.
Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.
How To Get Closer To God Spiritually
If you want to know how to get closer to god spiritually, the first thing we have to do is to understand what god is and is not.
Although, this is something that I typically stay away from. Actually, I rarely use the term God because it gets so many people upset.
Characteristics of God
God Is
Most agree that God is omniscient, omnipresent, all pervasive, complete and is the source creator. Interestingly, Science pretty much agrees too, if we use the term energy instead of God.
God Has Been
Additionally, through much of our history, people used God to describe people who appear to have superhuman abilities.
God Is Not
However, God is not human.
Attributing human qualities and actions to God is called personification.
This leads to a fundamental misunderstanding of God.
God does not want, get angry, jealous or have bad relationships. That’s nonsensical. It’s humans personifying what we can’t comprehend through our minds.
To Know God
You can’t know god through your mind. You must transcend your mind. Your mind always needs space and time to operate. The only way to know the ultimate is through the immediate. Meditation is the best strategy for overcoming your mind and knowing god.
Overcome Your Mind
From my experience, god is the synthesis of all things. Including existence and nonexistence. Your mind has been dividing and labeling since you were a child. Synthesis is the process of putting everything back together. Sure there are more effective strategies but simply knowing this is helpful. If only to become aware of this mental process.
So, How to Get Closer to God Spiritually?
Well, you may have figured what I’m going to say next…
Become more present. Increase your level of consciousness, grow spiritually, increase your vibrational frequency, master your mind; all basically are/do the same thing.
They all lessen your attachment to your mind, body and physical world. In effect, increasing your spirituality.
How To Become More Present?
First, understand that you are not your mind, thinking, words, body, past or future. You are so much more than those limited perspectives.
You, your spirit, essential and eternal needs to control your mind. Conquer your mind’s attachments and constant activity.
Don’t worry, it’s easier than you think.
How to Get Closer to God Spiritually; A Simple Way
However, conquering your mind is it’s death so it will fight back. Laugh at it when it does is my suggestion. It’s like dealing with a bratty 5 year old child.
Arguably, the simplest way to be present is to leverage meditation.
I may have an even better way. It uses some meditation, however much more can often be gained by leveraging multiple techniques, including using understanding as a way to transform yourself.
A Better Way Forward…
This better way is called Greater Powered and it’s a complete system for increasing consciousness and mastering your mind.
It also contains training on how to control what you feel and how to create what you want.
It’s 12 modules contain everything you need to know to live your best life. There’s also a FREE Blueprint to start with if money is tight.
So, if you tired of living with stress, struggle and suffering, You don’t have to anymore. Greater Powered’s Advanced Training System is the best way how to get closer to god spiritually and overcome that nonsense.
About William Cassidy
William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.
Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.
You Will Never Feel Whole and Complete Unless You Do This…
When I say that you will never feel whole and complete unless you this, I do mean never.
You can bury or deny that extremely uncomfortable “something’s missing”, incomplete feeling, but you will never feel whole.
You may have a partner and think that they complete you, but they don’t.
If you add two incomplete people together, you don’t get two whole people.
Sure it feels great and I’m not against it, but it doesn’t make you feel whole and complete.
Actually, having a partner is often a subtle way of distracting and denying that incomplete feeling.
Only one thing will make you feel whole and that is self realization; knowing your “true” self.
My language preference is “essential” self.
Your true self is essential and eternal and if you don’t know who you are, you will always have the feeling that something is missing.
Sure, you can bury it or live your life with worldly distractions, but it’s there.
This is a reason many can’t be alone or in silence.
If you are someone who is always in your phone, have TV or music on or some other distraction including children, hobbies and service to others, then, most likely, you don’t know your essential self, and that’s why.
How to Know Your Essential Self
The simplest way to self realize is to start meditating. You will uncover who you really are in time.
Another way is to make the mind shift from identifying your self as a physical human being to understanding then knowing that you are metaphysical.
You are so much more than your mind, body, thinking, past-future identification.
I outline another technique in my “Greater Powered Blueprint” mini-class, that imparts the best way to start.
But, if you want the best results the fastest, I recommend joining one of my Greater Powered coaching programs.
I have two…
One is VIP and the other is Unlimited Coaching and they both come with access to the more detailed “Greater Powered Advanced Training Program”.
However, your real benefit is having someone with experience helping you navigate and overcome the obstacles and self sabotage that you will surely experience along your journey.
Plus a whole lot more!
So, stop suffering with that “something’s missing” feeling for the rest of your life and take action to feel whole and complete.
About William Cassidy
William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.
Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.
Feeling Like Something Is Missing?
Do you ever have the feeling like something is missing in your life?
I’m sure you do. Almost everybody does.
It’s a subtle, nagging feeling that you typically ignore. A feeling like something is missing, wrong or incomplete.
A feeling that maybe you have difficulty naming.
Maybe you feel like your on the wrong path, you left something behind or you are not whole.
All these feelings arise from the same issue: you have not “self realized” yet.
You do not know your “essential self” and you are a slave to your ego.
Then, you probably hate being alone in quiet where the feeling becomes more apparent.
Do you always put on the TV or Radio while alone? Ever tell yourself that you need to stay informed or you deserve the entertainment because you had a hard day?
Likely, you distract yourself so that you don’t have to be alone with yourself because this uncomfortable feeling becomes more pronounced.
Your primary purpose in life is to know and express your essential self.
But how can you if you don’t know who you truly are?
This is no way to live because you are truly wasting your life.
Every minute that you don’t know who you are, you are wasting your time and life living in futility.
If you don’t know who you are, how can you ever know your purpose or your desires?
How can you ever live the life you were truly meant to live?
You can’t!
Whatever you do will always leave you feeling incomplete, dissatisfied, unfulfilled, discontent and frustrated.
The good news is that you don’t have to waste your life living in misery and futility…
You can live a fulfilling life of health, happiness and abundance.
And, it’s not difficult.
I discuss how to know who you, as well as how to know what you want, get what you want and a few other critically important life mastery techniques, in my Greater Powered Advanced Training Program
The fastest and easiest way to know who you are, and what you want and how to get it, is by getting personal coaching with me.
Very few people have the knowledge, skills and understanding to help you and I do.
And, soon you will be one of the rare, few people who knows who you are, what you want and how to create it.
Very Powerful!
So, stop wasting your life, eliminate the feeling like something is missing and start living the life that you were truly meant to live.
About William Cassidy
William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.
Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.
The Most Important Thing I Ever Learned
The most important thing that I ever learned in my life is…
First let me narrow it down by saying that It is something I learned from over 20 years of meditation, probably thousands of hours of studying scholars, philosophers, history and religious leaders plus thousands of hours experimenting on myself.
I am consciousness.
It is the answer, solution and cure to everything, period.
It is the the ultimate reason, direction, destination and journey.
You are consciousness, we are consciousness.
Knowing who you are is the keystone for knowing what you want, mastering your mind and consciously creating your dreams; fulfilling your purpose.
Also, the people who are living their best lives are conscious, the people suffering the most are the least conscious.
Your next question should be: ok, how to be conscious?
I’m glad you asked because I explain everything you need to know in my Greater Powered Blueprint.
You can get it for FREE here:
About William Cassidy
William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.
Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.