essential self

3 Keys to Spiritual Maturity Apples

3 Critical Keys to Spiritual Maturity

3 Keys to Spiritual Maturity ApplesMany are asking “what are the keys to spiritual maturity?”

One could interpret this question a few different ways, but I’ll explain it by giving you two of the most critical keys to spiritual maturity and then the real key.

Critical Keys to Spiritual Maturity

Know Who You Are

The first key is simply a basic understanding of who you truly are.

You are not your mind and/or body, you are the spirit.

Your spirit is your essential self: the conscious witness.

You can understand this, but you don’t believe it because you have competing beliefs that are stronger.

Those competing beliefs are that you are your mind. You identify with your mind including thoughts and beliefs.

This mis-identification is called ego.

You’ve been taught to identify with your mind and body all your life.

However, once you begin to understand that you are not your mind and are the conscious witness, you are what some would call “awakened”.

Now, you, the conscious you, can work on that which keeps you from developing spiritually. Namely, your mind.

Master Your Mind

Your mind has a few big issues to deal with.

First, it was programmed by your main caregivers and society when you were a child and incapable of discerning what got programmed. 

This programming started immediately after birth and psychology tells us that it’s around 12 years old before you develop complete control.

This means that most of your programming is now subconscious to you, the spiritual witness.

Next, is your mind’s constant activity. Jumping from topic to topic, the Chinese call this drunken monkey mind.

And, this is obviously not helpful to your spiritual maturity.

Third is your focus. Most people’s ability to focus is severely limited by constant distractions.

Most don’t even realize you can focus your mind from uncontrolled thinking to conscious non-thinking.

Conscious non-thinking is meditation. Contemplation and concentration are the steps in between.

These three issues are the biggest hurdles to mastering your mind.

Now, all of this may sound complicated or daunting to learn, but it’s not.

Spiritual Growth via Mind Mastery

Once you know who you truly are, you can begin to get control of your mind.

It actually takes less effort than the constant thinking that drains your energy and causes you to feel a bunch of low frequency emotions that you don’t want to feel. Think fear, doubt, anger, frustration, guilt, jealousy, shame…

By the way, there are also numerous health, well being and better living benefits to mastering your mind.

The biggest consequence of mastering your mind is spiritual growth but also you’ll be able to choose the reality that you create and how you feel.

You will be able to end stress, struggle and suffering for good.

If that sounds like something you’d enjoy, I recommend you get the Greater Powered Advanced Training Program.

It’s the ultimate mind, body and spirit fitness system designed to help you quickly and easily self realize, master your mind and consciously create your best life.

If you want the fastest results with the least effort, then you should see if my coaching is right for you.

To close, in the beginning I told you that there were different ways to interpret the keys to spiritual maturity question. And, you’ve probably noticed I only gave you two keys so far. 

So, to give you the third and most correctly answer this question; you consciously choosing is the key to spiritual maturity.

If you never choose to grow spiritually, you won’t.

Your mind will keep you suffering and your spirit undeveloped if you let it.

Today, I’m asking you to gain the knowledge, skill and understanding and be the keys to spiritual maturity by choosing to take action towards better living.


Never miss a life changing insight...

William Cassidy

About William Cassidy

William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.

Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.

Don't Celebrate the 4th of July and Not the Rest

Don’t Celebrate the 4th of July and Not the Rest

Don't Celebrate the 4th of July and Not the RestDon’t celebrate the 4th of July and not the rest.

Although everyday is a great day to celebrate, In our nation the 4th represents independence and freedom.

But, are you free from your mind?

When you are free from your mind, that’s when you are truly free.

Otherwise, you live in the prison of your mind. A mind created by society that subjugates and constrains you.

Who is the “you” I’m talking about?

It’s your conscious spirit. What is often called your true self or higher self. I prefer essential self.

Regardless, if your spirit is not free from your mind, you will always stress, struggle and suffer while wishing things were different in some way.

And, the less conscious you are, the more miserable you will feel.

Maybe you wish you had more, were more or were different in some way.

Maybe you wish you didn’t have certain people, circumstances of experiences in your life.

This is part of the prison. And the constant uncontrollable activity in your mind is the torture.

Maybe it’s not so bad for you, but you just know life could be better.

Maybe you feel that there must be something more to life.

Anyhow, if you are tired of living in the prison of your mind, then I have something for you.

A way to make every moment of every day a true celebration.

It’s actually really easy and anyone can do it no matter what prison you’ve created.

It’s a system for raising your spirit, mastering your mind and consciously creating the reality you deep down inside want to experience.

The experience of peace, joy and love is available to you when you, your essential, conscious spirit becomes the master of your mind.

Again, it’s not difficult. It only seems so because we’ve been misled our whole lives.

So, if you are tired and frustrated with the life you’ve created, know that you don’t have to live this way.

Know that you already have everything you need but the understanding.

Understanding is transformational.

And today, you can change everything.

Go to Greater Powered and end the tyranny of your mind and start celebrating everyday like you were truly meant to.

Have a happy 4th of July and every other day too!


Never miss a life changing insight...

William Cassidy

About William Cassidy

William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.

Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.

You Will Never Feel Whole and Complete Unless You Do This

You Will Never Feel Whole and Complete Unless You Do This…

You Will Never Feel Whole and Complete Unless You Do ThisWhen I say that you will never feel whole and complete unless you this, I do mean never.

You can bury or deny that extremely uncomfortable “something’s missing”, incomplete feeling, but you will never feel whole.

You may have a partner and think that they complete you, but they don’t.

If you add two incomplete people together, you don’t get two whole people.

Sure it feels great and I’m not against it, but it doesn’t make you feel whole and complete.

Actually, having a partner is often a subtle way of distracting and denying that incomplete feeling.

Only one thing will make you feel whole and that is self realization; knowing your “true” self.

My language preference is “essential” self.

Your true self is essential and eternal and if you don’t know who you are, you will always have the feeling that something is missing.

Sure, you can bury it or live your life with worldly distractions, but it’s there.

This is a reason many can’t be alone or in silence.

If you are someone who is always in your phone, have TV or music on or some other distraction including children, hobbies and service to others, then, most likely, you don’t know your essential self, and that’s why.

How to Know Your Essential Self

The simplest way to self realize is to start meditating. You will uncover who you really are in time.

Another way is to make the mind shift from identifying your self as a physical human being to understanding then knowing that you are metaphysical.

You are so much more than your mind, body, thinking, past-future identification.

I outline another technique in my “Greater Powered Blueprint” mini-class, that imparts the best way to start. 

But, if you want the best results the fastest, I recommend joining one of my Greater Powered coaching programs.

I have two…

One is VIP and the other is Unlimited Coaching and they both come with access to the more detailed “Greater Powered Advanced Training Program”.

However, your real benefit is having someone with experience helping you navigate and overcome the obstacles and self sabotage that you will surely experience along your journey.

Plus a whole lot more!

So, stop suffering with that “something’s missing” feeling for the rest of your life and take action to feel whole and complete.

Never miss a life changing insight...

William Cassidy

About William Cassidy

William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.

Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.

Feeling Like Something Is Missing

Feeling Like Something Is Missing?

Feeling Like Something Is MissingDo you ever have the feeling like something is missing in your life?

I’m sure you do. Almost everybody does.

It’s a subtle, nagging feeling that you typically ignore. A feeling like something is missing, wrong or incomplete.

A feeling that maybe you have difficulty naming.

Maybe you feel like your on the wrong path, you left something behind or you are not whole.

All these feelings arise from the same issue: you have not “self realized” yet.

You do not know your “essential self” and you are a slave to your ego.

Then, you probably hate being alone in quiet where the feeling becomes more apparent.

Do you always put on the TV or Radio while alone?  Ever tell yourself that you need to stay informed or you deserve the entertainment because you had a hard day?

Likely, you distract yourself so that you don’t have to be alone with yourself because this uncomfortable feeling becomes more pronounced.

Your primary purpose in life is to know and express your essential self.

But how can you if you don’t know who you truly are?

This is no way to live because you are truly wasting your life.

Every minute that you don’t know who you are, you are wasting your time and life living in futility.

If you don’t know who you are, how can you ever know your purpose or your desires?

How can you ever live the life you were truly meant to live?

You can’t!

Whatever you do will always leave you feeling incomplete, dissatisfied, unfulfilled, discontent and frustrated.

The good news is that you don’t have to waste your life living in misery and futility…

You can live a fulfilling life of health, happiness and abundance.

And, it’s not difficult.

I discuss how to know who you, as well as how to know what you want, get what you want and a few other critically important life mastery techniques, in my Greater Powered Advanced Training Program


The fastest and easiest way to know who you are, and what you want and how to get it, is by getting personal coaching with me.

Very few people have the knowledge, skills and understanding to help you and I do.

And, soon you will be one of the rare, few people who knows who you are, what you want and how to create it.

Very Powerful!

So, stop wasting your life, eliminate the feeling like something is missing and start living the life that you were truly meant to live.


Never miss a life changing insight...

William Cassidy

About William Cassidy

William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.

Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.

Getting What You Want

The First Step to Getting What You Want Is Not What You Think

Getting What You WantThe first step to getting what you want is not knowing what you want, like you may think.

Sure, it makes sense that If you don’t know what you want, you will never be able to get what you want. But…

There is a proceeding step that is rarely ever talked about by the so called experts. It’s rarely ever talked about because, yes they can help you get what you think you want, but they themselves have skipped this critically important first step.

The first step to getting what you want is knowing who you are.

Let me explain…

The reason this step is critically important is because that if you don’t know who you truly are, nothing you get will ever fulfill you.

You are out of alignment.

When you get what you “think” you want, there will always be a level of disappointment or dissatisfaction.

Your heart will never sing until you get what you “truly” want.

And the only way to get what you truly want is to know who you truly are; not who you think you are.

Who you think you are is your ego. It is the misidentification of who you are.

Who you truly are is the witness that never changes. It is your essential self; for lack of a better term. It is the source of you.

If you have no clue of your essential self, you are wasting your life in futility.

You will never have, do or experience that which truly makes you joyous.

Even if by worldly standards you are successful, you will always be experiencing an emptiness inside.

That’s part of why the rich and famous kill themselves. They seemingly have everything yet still feel unfulfilled. So, why continue?

Well, you don’t have to live an empty, hollow, disappointing, unfulfilled, worthless life.

All you have to do is know who you are.

Then, once you know who you are, you can get everything that you truly desire.

Living the life that you were truly meant to live eliminates all those negative, empty, hollow, disappointing, unfulfilled feeling and replaces them with feelings of purpose, satisfaction, fulfillment, abundance and joy.

It is simply a choice to spend some time discovering yourself or continue trying in futility to make yourself happy using worldly endeavors.

Jesus teaches us “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”

I’m saying the same thing, just different words.

So, the question becomes: how to know my essential self.

Luckily, it’s the first step in both my Greater Powered Advanced Training Program.

Discover exactly how to start and get everything that you truly want out of life.

So, stop living an empty, hollow, disappointing, unfulfilled, worthless life. And click the link to create a life filled with purpose, satisfaction, fulfillment, abundance and joy.

Take the first step to getting what you want, truly!


Never miss a life changing insight...

William Cassidy

About William Cassidy

William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.

Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.


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