news media

Circumstances are Never as Bad as the News Media Says

As Bad as the News Media Says?

Circumstances are never as bad as the news media says; or good.
Circumstances are Never as Bad as the News Media SaysYou have to remember that the news media makes their money from sensationalism and conflict.
Also keep in mind that about 90% of the main street news media is owned by only 5 companies.
So, when it comes to the news, what we get is not always in our best interest.
It’s what’s in the best interest of the company that owns that program.
But, you can make the news media work for you; especially if you are a business owner.
They need content.
Therefore, they are happy to publish your content if it’s newsworthy.
You maybe thinking that you don’t have any newsworthy content to publish.
Well, It’s easy to get some.
You could write a news release about a recent accomplishment, a success story, a prediction, a solution, a response, etc.
However, the simplest way is to have a professional do it for you.
I can help you!
But first, let me share some of the benefits from having a news story published on a major news media outlet’s website.
Well, actually, the easiest way is to syndicate your story two hundreds of outlets. Sure, it’s not free but it can be well worth it if you do it correctly.
Yes, you’ll get backlinks, SEO benefits and traffic; but the real benefits come from being able to publish authority credentials on all your marketing material; especially your website – forever and ever.
Authority credential are the little “as seen on” logos, you sometimes see on business and influencer websites.
These convey trust and authority and have a similar effect as testimonials.
Who doesn’t like working with celebrities; even if it’s only minor business celebrities?
Your conversion rate will increase, if not skyrocket.
Makes sense right?
So, let’s get started.
I’m offering free consultations.
That’s right. You can discover your options and see if building your authority credentials makes sense for you.
There is no cost or obligation to you to find out. So, simply contact me through a DM or at
I’m seriously looking forward to hearing from you!

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William Cassidy

About William Cassidy

William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.

Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.


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