mind mastery

Gain Control of Your Life by Gaining Control of Your Mind Video Controller

Gain Control of Your Life by Gaining Control of Your Mind

Gain Control of Your Life by Gaining Control of Your Mind Video ControllerQuickly, and easily, gain control of your life by gaining control of your mind.

Your reality is a direct reflection of your mind.

When you gain control of your mind you gain control of your reality; and life.

The benefits of mind mastery include:

  • Feel better immediately
  • Attract better people, circumstances and experiences into your life
  • Physical and mental healing
  • Personal and spiritual growth
  • Confident, relaxed and happy
  • Eliminate unwanted emotions, circumstances and conditions
  • Improve your overall health and well being
  • Increase your emotional intelligence
  • Healthy relationships
  • Ability to quickly manifest anything you want or need
  • Create job, career and money opportunities
  • Affluence and abundance

Plus, you can minimize or eliminate the following:

  • Stress, struggle and stuck
  • Worry, doubt and fear
  • Pain and suffering
  • Confusion, overwhelm and frustration
  • Hate, anger and contempt
  • Constant mental judgment
  • Negative self talk
  • Dysfunctional relationships
  • Social conflicts
  • Harm from others
  • Discomforts and disease

Stop suffering with people, circumstances and experience you don’t want. Take inspired action today start creating the life you do want. 

You have the power to gain control of your life by gaining control of your mind, so do it.

If you don’t know how, learn everything you need to know about conscious mind mastery here


Never miss a life changing insight...

William Cassidy

About William Cassidy

William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.

Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.

Praying For Spiritual Growth Won’t Help. Here’s Why…

Praying For Spiritual Growth Won’t Help. Here’s Why…

Praying For Spiritual Growth Won’t Help. Here’s Why…Have you ever thought that maybe praying for spiritual growth would help you?

It won’t.

Not much anyway…

What will help you is simple, definitive, actionable techniques to facilitate self realization and mind mastery.

Self realization is basically the same as spiritual growth except that your spirit is not technically a self. 

And your spirit grows in contrast to the use and identification of your mind.

Meaning that the more you identify with your mind, the less spiritual growth you will enjoy.

Conversely, the more you self realize, the less you will identify with your mind.

Also, as you grow spiritually, your vibrational frequency will elevate. This means that you will feel better and attract better into your life.

Once you know who you truly are, everything else is possible.

So, stop praying for spiritual growth and do something about it yourself.

Stop begging and bargaining with god to fix what isn’t working in your life.

Simply do it yourself.

Use the free techniques in my Manifestation Blueprint or get faster results with my Greater Powered Advanced Training Course.

Either way, take inspired action today to get the life you were truly meant to live.


Never miss a life changing insight...

William Cassidy

About William Cassidy

William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.

Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.

Have You Ever Tried to Fix Your Ineffective Mental Programming, girl

Have You Ever Tried to Fix Your Ineffective Mental Programming?

Have You Ever Tried to Fix Your Ineffective Mental Programming, girlI’m not asking if you have ever tried to fix your ineffective mental programming for a friend.

I’m not asking because I’m angry at you, think you are inconsiderate, evil or even a bad driver; or because I think you are stupid.

Just the compliment…

Knowledge is not the problem.

Ineffective mental programming is our thoughts and beliefs that do NOT serve us; both conscious and subconscious.

Your mind is the creating process. It should be called “minding” because it’s a process not a thing.

What you think, believe and focus on is what you’ll get.

Your reality is not fixed.

When you change your mind, your reality will change.

Sure, the mountains and the ocean will still be the mountains and the ocean.

If you believe “people suck”, you’ll have an increased chance of meeting people who suck.

If you change your mind to “people are kind, helpful and amazing”, you’ll increase your chance of meeting kind, helpful and amazing people.

So, initially, 9 out of 10 people you meet will likely suck, then after changing your mind 9 out of 10 people you meet will likely be kind. 

OK, maybe 6…

Ineffective mental programming does what?

That ineffective mental programming is the cause of much of what you don’t want in your life. Including emotions, circumstances and experiences.

So, if you ever wish things were somehow different, this is because you are not consciously creating and your ineffective mental programming is creating.

You are living with the programming that you were taught as a child.

Your parents did the best they could but they were using the same ineffective mental programming they got as a child.

Sure, some people overcome some of their mental malware, but most of it remains.

This is where I can help.

I help people not only overcome their self destructive and limiting mental programming, I help people optimize and master their minds so that they don’t have to deal with unwanted people, circumstance and experiences.

Or, for times when you do, it won’t suck so bad.

I also help people get, do, be and feel what they do want.

Better living via mind mastery.

So, to fix your ineffective mental programming that causes you pain and misery, simply go to Greater Powered to get started.


Never miss a life changing insight...

William Cassidy

About William Cassidy

William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.

Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.

Girls Feel Better Fast Using Simple Mind Mastery Techniques

3 Ways to Feel Better Fast

Feel Better Fast Using These Simple Mind Mastery Techniques

Girls Feel Better Fast Using Simple Mind Mastery TechniquesThe past couple years have been rough (…pandemic, politics, inflation, conflict and don’t forget murder hornets) for a lot of people with many searching for a way to feel better fast.

Many feel as if their lives have taken a precipitous downfall and they are not confident it’ll get better any time soon.

Are you one of them? You don’t have to be.

I rarely share this with anyone, because of the aforementioned, but the past few years have been pretty good for me.

I’m healthy, happy and doing the things I always wanted to do.

But, it’s mostly because I choose what I feel.

I never feel anger, insecure, hate, guilt, lack, jealousy or any other negative emotion. I never don’t feel great.

And anyone can do it.

It’s simply a matter of being aware and choosing thoughts and beliefs that serve you better.

So, fixing and optimizing your mind is kinda like a fine-tuning and I can help you with that if you want, but these techniques are very broad.

Theses broad techniques are very useful because they’ll help you make a lot of your life better all at once.

And fast.

You will notice and feel the benefits immediately.

Here’s the 3 ways to feel better fast…

Stop focusing on the crap

This is huge.

If you stop focusing on the crap in your life and the world, you will immediately feel better and prevent yourself from creating more of it.

Every time that you catch yourself thinking about the stuff you don’t want in your life, correct yourself immediately and then focus on something that you do want more of.

Focus on what you love and/or what you want more of

Focusing on what you love or want more of, especially with gratitude and love, is one way to create more of it in your life.

Set a regular time to be grateful for what you want like when you awake and/or go to sleep.

If you don’t have what you want in your life, then start by imagining what it would feel like to have it in your life.


Meditation is the most effective and efficient way to improve your life and feel better. It will help you with your focus too.

The benefits of meditation are endless. Basically, you’re letting the ultimate power and intelligence of the universe help you.

If you haven’t yet, don’t know where or want to start, call me and I’ll get you going in the right direction. Or, check out my 5 Minute Meds site.

All three ways will help you to immediately feel better. They work if you do them.

Feel Better Fast Resistance

If you’re thinking that these techniques are hard to do, they’re actually not. They become effortless with practice.

You experienced a detrimental belief: the belief that something is difficult.

That belief is true for you, not for all others. Some, though.

You can change that belief to anything you want.

It would serve you better if that belief is something that benefits you.

Change the beliefs to something like “Changing my life/thoughts/beliefs/whatever is easy and makes me feel confident and powerful”.

As you change your detrimental and destructive beliefs to beneficial and healthy beliefs, your life changes exponentially for the better.

But, it’s not difficult and if I can do it, you can do it.

Eventually nothing will be difficult for you. Everything will be easy because you are not making it difficult.

So, if you want to feel better fast and/or master your mind, then let’s talk.


Never miss a life changing insight...

William Cassidy

About William Cassidy

William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.

Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.

Footprints in the Sand

Footprints in the Sand

I was like “What, only one set of footprints in the sand?” So, I said “Dude, what’s up with that?” – William Cassidy

Footprints in the Sand

As I was walking along the beach with my Lord.

I noticed that at many times along the path of my life, especially at the very lowest and saddest times, there was only one set of footprints.

I was like “What, only one set of footprints in the sand?” So, I said “Dude, what’s up with that?”

My Lord lovingly whispered, “The tide washed my prints away, you jackass”!

In an “attempt” to make self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation fun, I like to joke around.

Sometimes it works, sometimes not…

But, I guarantee that if you hire me as your coach, you will grow and have fun while doing it.

You likely won’t laugh at all my jokes (I may).

But, your life, with my direction will become infinitely easier and more enjoyable.

So, if you want to end stress, struggle, suffering and stuck in your life and create a life of ease, abundance and fulfillment, then let’s talk.


Never miss a life changing insight...

William Cassidy

About William Cassidy

William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.

Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.

Simplified Life Mastery Secrets

Life Mastery Secrets Simplified

Simplified Life Mastery Secrets

There are a few life mastery secrets I’ve learned over my 25+ years of meditation and study. Here’s a quick life strategy overview everyone should know as soon as possible… 

Self Actualization and Mastery Made Easy

Find What’s Missing

You know that deep seeded, conflicted feeling that something is missing, not right or went wrong. This solves that. Finding what’s missing allows you to feel whole, at ease and on the right track. 

This is known as Self Realization.

Fix What’s Broken

Our parents and society messed all of us up to some degree. It’s just a matter of how much. Fixing that which is broken allows us to overcome our limitations and live the life we were always meant to live.

This is known as Mind Mastery.

Feel Amazing at Will

Ever have “bad” days? Once you learn these skills, you never will again. And, you’ll know exactly how to create any feelings that you want and how to use them to attract whatever you want.

This is know as Active Positive Focus.

Accelerate Your Results

The fastest and easiest way to self actualization and life mastery is by leveraging the experience and insights of someone who already has and knows. That’s me.

Continue reading blog posts for valuable insights or…

Leverage my Advanced Training Program that’s contains tons of life mastery secrets and is designed to help you quickly and easily transform you and your life:

Greater Powered – The Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System


Never miss a life changing insight...

William Cassidy

About William Cassidy

William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.

Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.

How to Know Who You Are

How to Know Who You Are

Knowing who you are is the keystone for everything that benefits your health and well being.

How to Know Who You AreKnowing who you are is literally the keystone for creating your heaven on earth and the start of harnessing the infinite power and intelligence of the universe. And the less you know your true self and the more you are identified with anything worldly (mind/body), you will feel less powerful, confident and in control and more miserable, confused and victimized.

To self realize (know your true self), start by paying attention. Paying attention grows into consciousness. The best way to start paying attention is by paying attention to the words you think and say and your state of being (how you feel).

Another great method for self realizing is to take up a meditation program. Meditation is like weight lifting for self realization.

Here’s how to meditate: The simplest, and arguably the best, way to meditate is to get comfortable, relax, straighten your spine, take several deep breaths then breathe naturally. Then, simply observe your breathing, wait and watch with no judgment. Nothing is to be done. And, every time you find yourself thinking, bring yourself back to watching your breath again. The idea is to stop thinking. That’s it.

Also, implementing the steps discussed in this blueprint will lead you to self realization; self realization, mind mastery and the ability to consciously create.

Once you self realize, you can know what you want. When you know who you are and want you want, you can create it in your life. Otherwise, you create things you “think” you want, and they won’t be aligned with what you truly want and you won’t be fulfilled.

Love, support and favor,



Would you like have the knowledge, skills and understanding to leverage the infinite power and intelligence of the universe to create or eliminate anything in your life that you choose?

Never miss a life changing insight...

William Cassidy

About William Cassidy

William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.

Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.

How to Know What You Want Simplified Method

How to Know What You Want; Simplified Method

It is critically important to know what you want to get what you want.

If you don’t know what you want, how can you get it?

Know What You Want Girl Looking ConfidentMaybe you’ll get lucky? But, that doesn’t seem like a very good strategy.

So, if you want to hit the bull’s eye, you have to have a target.

The best way to know what you want is to simply ask yourself. I use and recommend this three step method:

  1. Connect to source (stop/relax, imagine light, meditate, breath work or other).
  2. Ask (what do I really want, how might that feel, why do I want to feel that?) and repeat.
  3. Notice (how the answers make you feel; when something bubbles up as opposed to what comes from your ego). You can change the “ask” question to suit your needs: “What is my purpose for existing”, “What might it feel like to know what I want”, etc.

The correct answers will arise and they are the ones that make you feel “good”.

Simply continue asking questions and noticing how you feel until you get the responses that make you feel the best.

Whatever makes you feel the best is what you truly want.

When you know what you want, you are so much further than most people and you are so much closer to getting it into your life.

Plus you will start to feel confident, at ease, more in control and fulfilled because you know you are getting closer.

That’s how to know what you want.

(This excerpt originates and has been edited from The Greater Powered Blueprint)

Never miss a life changing insight...

William Cassidy

About William Cassidy

William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.

Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.


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