mindset coach
Spiritual Healing Coach to Start Feeling Better and Better
I’ve been asked before if I am a spiritual healing coach.
I am.
But, I don’t use that terminology often.
I prefer spiritual guide and mindset coach.
Here’s why…
When I was a little boy, I always wanted to be the best I could be.
I wondered how spirituality played into this but, like you, I was never taught anything helpful.
Most of what I was taught was from a Christian perspective and it didn’t make sense to me.
Matter of fact, I thought it much of what I was taught was nonsensical.
I understood Jesus knew something that everyone else didn’t, including the local clergy. But I didn’t know what it was.
There were four other influential approaches to life that I also discovered as a child: science, Taoism and American Indian’s religion and philosophy; and Thoreau.
Somehow I knew science wasn’t the path and I knew Taoists and Indians understood something, like, Jesus, that others didn’t get.
It wasn’t until high school that I learned about Thoreau.
I knew he knew and became a big fan.
Now, I’m kinda getting off the spiritual healing coach topic, but they were my spiritual influences.
The point I’m trying to make is that for as long as I can remember, I believed that the best approach to life could be taken by all. It was not necessary to live in a cave, be celibate, go to jail or be “special” in any way.
I believed the best approach to life had to be simple, easy and absolutely didn’t require anything that everyone couldn’t do.
After a million arguments with family and friends where neither side had any proof and questionable facts, I would not let go of the belief that if life was difficult, you must be doing something wrong.
An emotional God who “wanted” made no sense to me either.
To clarify my point and analytical approach to better living further…
So, after a life of looking analytically, spiritual healing seems a bit misleading.
To me, you are not healing spiritually.
Your spirit is not damaged. It’s just not realized and/or free from your mind.
Your mind, however, has some serious issues.
The good news is that it can easily be repaired; and as you do the repairs, you start feeling better and better.
Also, your life gets better and better.
To me, you are fixing your mind, not healing your spirit, to grow and liberate your spirit.
This makes sense!
So, let me say it this way.
If you fix your mind, then you will grow spiritually and feel better.
And, here’s the better news…
There is an easy to follow system to help you do this.
It’s basically all the stuff you should have been taught but never were.
Just knowing this system is transformational.
It’s simple, easy and anyone can transform their life, no matter how screwed up you think you are.
It’s not expensive and there’s a free blueprint if you want to start with zero cost.
You don’t need a spiritual healing coach, mindset coach or anything else.
All you need is this system and to use it. It’s very easy to learn, simple to use and after a bit of practice everything becomes completely effortless.
Check out the most effective holistic health and fitness system you never heard of.
About William Cassidy
William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.
Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.
Spiritual Ascension Guide for the Best and Fastest Results
Are you looking for a spiritual ascension guide?
Then you are in the right place because that’s exactly what I teach.
Although I typically call myself a spiritual or mindset coach, they all are pretty much the same.
So, what exactly does a spiritual ascension guide teach.
I basically teach two things: how to grow spiritually and how to master your mind.
As I’ve said before, growing spiritually causes one to feel better and mastering your mind causes one to stop feeling “bad”.
What Is Spiritual Ascension?
First, a couple of things to understand…
You know how your phone, laptop or tablet needs to be regularly charged or it work. It doesn’t have life, it’s dead when it’s not charged.
Well, humans are similar except more sophisticated and powerful.
We also don’t need a wire and when we recharge, we also get some healing.
That charging process is called sleep.
When you sleep, the universe, source, god or whatever you prefer, energizes and returns you to your state of homeostasis.
If you don’t sleep, you’ll become less healthy, your performance will suffer and you can die.
Have you ever wondered why or what is actually happening during sleep?
What’s happening that’s notable, is that your mind is off. The constant activity and thinking is off.
Important note: you are unconscious and you are not thinking.
The thinking is absorbing or wasting all of your life when you are awake, and when the thinking stops, you receive the life energy from the universe.
This all takes place, as I said, unconsciously during sleep.
Meditation is the technique to consciously stop thinking.
When you meditate, it’s the same as when sleeping, but even more powerful. Your health and energy are restored; along with your spirit elevating.
That’s what meditation is. It’s conscious nonthinking.
So, you are receiving the ultimate power and intelligence of the universe all the time, but while you are awake, you are wasting it all with incessant thinking and identifying with it. When you consciously stop thinking, you are not wasting your life force and it automatically energizes and heals you.
What Does That Have To Do With Spiritual Ascension?
Now that you better understand the process that is taking place for all humans, let me put it all together.
To spiritually ascend means to grow your spirit while decreasing your minding (identification, focus and activity of the mind).
To spiritually ascend you must master your mind. And when you spiritually ascend, you will feel better and create better.
How To Know If You Spiritually Ascend
Another point to highlight is that your ascension can be measured.
When your spirit ascends, your overall vibrational frequency rises.
This can be measured by feeling. Higher consciousness feels better. Lower consciousness, feels worse but you really don’t notice because you are, be definition, not aware. Your life sucks as you feel like a victim of life and the negative emotions you frequently experience.
So, hire vibes, higher consciousness, spiritual growth, mind mastery; peace, joy and fulfillment; all mostly mean the same thing. At least practically speaking.
Do I Need A Spiritual Ascension Guide?
Yes, almost everyone does!
But you can still progress by doing it yourself.
I recommend starting with my free blueprint for manifesting your unimaginable dream life. It contains everything you need to master your mind and spiritually ascend.
However, if you want faster results, check out the advanced training course.
It’s a holistic health and fitness masterpiece if you ask me; and one of the best ways to spiritually ascend without receiving personalized coaching.
If you want a spiritual ascension guide for the best and fastest results, apply to get coaching with me. It’s free to apply and there is no risk to find out more.
I look forward to helping you spiritually ascend and create your best life.
About William Cassidy
William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.
Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.
Mindset Coach, William Cassidy, Launches FREE Mini-Class That Simplifies Life Mastery
Author, Publisher and Mindset Coach William F. Cassidy launches new training offering a simplified life mastery blueprint called “Greater Powered: The Blueprint for Manifesting Your Unimaginable Dream Life” that helps anyone who isn’t thrilled with their life feel complete, confident, healthy, relaxed, and fulfilled; eliminate unwanted people, things, circumstances and experiences; and effortlessly create their dream life.
For most of us, our life isn’t exactly what we thought it would be and we don’t understand why. In this simple 5 step blueprint Cassidy helps you find what’s missing and fix what’s broken so that you can attract, achieve and experience everything you want, eliminate anything you don’t and live your best, happy, healthy, abundant dream life.
“Think of it this way” says Cassidy “pretend you have the power to attract any thing, person, experience or circumstance that you want into your life, eliminate any thing, person, experience or circumstance that you don’t want and feel powerful, confident, at ease and fulfilled while you do it. Well, you have this power. What you don’t have is the knowledge, skill and understanding to leverage it beneficially. This is what I’m teaching in my mini-class and coaching programs.”
The training is less than 20 minutes and can be accessed for free with the blueprint report at greaterpowered.com. There is also an advanced training program that expands in detail on the blueprint. Currently, it is text based and can only be accessed with one of his Greater Powered coaching programs. It is being finalized into a one off product and no official release date has been set.
William Cassidy is a best selling author with over 20 years of meditation, study and personal experiments and has been seen on ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX and many other well known news media websites. To learn more about Bill’s products and coaching services, visit wfcassidy.com or contact William at (631) 287-6615.
About William Cassidy
William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.
Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.
Who Else Wants Better Problems?
Hi! I’m Bill Cassidy and I am a Mindset Coach, Spiritual Adviser and Lifestyle Entrepreneur.
I help experts, influencers and top performers conquer the self defeating mental bullshit that keeps them stressed, struggling, suffering and stuck. Then I help them create new and better problems like having too much time, money, energy and freedom.
The best way to level up your life and get better problems fast, is through coaching.
I may be the perfect coach for you because of my experience; I’ve had a shit ton of problems and made even more mistakes. (here’s one of my favorite quotes: if you aren’t making mistakes you’re dead.) Then I started mastering my mind and after a few years, I had no problems (which sucked BTW); and now I’m mastering manifestation and creating better problems.
That’s the quick story. In reality, it’s much longer with more drama.
Imagine your biggest problem being that you only have all week to book yet another weeks long tropical vacation.
When you overcome your self sabotage and limiting beliefs, what kind of problems would you like?
It’s best to be in control and choose the problems you want to create.
Well anyhow…
I’ve done the hard work on myself, so I can explain the hows, whats and whys, but honestly who cares…
You want results and I can help you get them. I’m honest, direct, empathetic, non-judgmental, heart centered and care deeply about you and your well being.
And with my help, we will solve the problems you don’t want and create new, better ones together.
Also, it doesn’t have to take years to do it either.
We can start peeling back the onion of your mind like an ear of corn, immediately; if you are open, honest and willing. And, even faster if you are brave.
Don’t delay, CLICK HERE to start creating better problems right now.
About William Cassidy
William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.
Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.