immediately feel better
3 Ways to Feel Better Fast
Feel Better Fast Using These Simple Mind Mastery Techniques
The past couple years have been rough (…pandemic, politics, inflation, conflict and don’t forget murder hornets) for a lot of people with many searching for a way to feel better fast.
Many feel as if their lives have taken a precipitous downfall and they are not confident it’ll get better any time soon.
Are you one of them? You don’t have to be.
I rarely share this with anyone, because of the aforementioned, but the past few years have been pretty good for me.
I’m healthy, happy and doing the things I always wanted to do.
But, it’s mostly because I choose what I feel.
I never feel anger, insecure, hate, guilt, lack, jealousy or any other negative emotion. I never don’t feel great.
And anyone can do it.
It’s simply a matter of being aware and choosing thoughts and beliefs that serve you better.
So, fixing and optimizing your mind is kinda like a fine-tuning and I can help you with that if you want, but these techniques are very broad.
Theses broad techniques are very useful because they’ll help you make a lot of your life better all at once.
And fast.
You will notice and feel the benefits immediately.
Here’s the 3 ways to feel better fast…
Stop focusing on the crap
This is huge.
If you stop focusing on the crap in your life and the world, you will immediately feel better and prevent yourself from creating more of it.
Every time that you catch yourself thinking about the stuff you don’t want in your life, correct yourself immediately and then focus on something that you do want more of.
Focus on what you love and/or what you want more of
Focusing on what you love or want more of, especially with gratitude and love, is one way to create more of it in your life.
Set a regular time to be grateful for what you want like when you awake and/or go to sleep.
If you don’t have what you want in your life, then start by imagining what it would feel like to have it in your life.
Meditation is the most effective and efficient way to improve your life and feel better. It will help you with your focus too.
The benefits of meditation are endless. Basically, you’re letting the ultimate power and intelligence of the universe help you.
If you haven’t yet, don’t know where or want to start, call me and I’ll get you going in the right direction. Or, check out my 5 Minute Meds site.
All three ways will help you to immediately feel better. They work if you do them.
Feel Better Fast Resistance
If you’re thinking that these techniques are hard to do, they’re actually not. They become effortless with practice.
You experienced a detrimental belief: the belief that something is difficult.
That belief is true for you, not for all others. Some, though.
You can change that belief to anything you want.
It would serve you better if that belief is something that benefits you.
Change the beliefs to something like “Changing my life/thoughts/beliefs/whatever is easy and makes me feel confident and powerful”.
As you change your detrimental and destructive beliefs to beneficial and healthy beliefs, your life changes exponentially for the better.
But, it’s not difficult and if I can do it, you can do it.
Eventually nothing will be difficult for you. Everything will be easy because you are not making it difficult.
So, if you want to feel better fast and/or master your mind, then let’s talk.
About William Cassidy
William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.
Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.