
Your Thoughts Create Your World

Your Thoughts Create Your World

Your Thoughts Create Your WorldScience, Theology and experience all tell us that “your world reflects that which you have thought”: your thoughts create your world!

So have many of the greatest humans who ever lived.

If you are looking to improve your world, here is my elaboration on how your thoughts create your world. Hopefully, you find this interesting, insightful and helpful.

The following is from a rough draft excerpt from a book I was writing but never finished:

One of the natural laws of the universe says that you can attract only that which is vibrating at the same frequency.

Everything has its own frequency including thoughts.

Unconscious thinking vibrates at a lower frequency than conscious thinking.

Consciousness is a higher vibrational frequency. Total consciousness is the highest vibrational possibility in the universe.

When you think unconsciously, you attract lower vibrational people, circumstances and experiences.

If you start consciously thinking, you will start to attract higher vibrational people, circumstances and experiences.

Here Is How It Plays Out:

If you have a positive thought, you’ll get a positive emotion. When you have positive emotions, you’ll (more likely) take inspired action. If you take inspired action, you’ll get a joyous result and feel good. When you get joyous results, you feel good, vibrate at a higher frequency and attract higher vibrational people, circumstances and experiences. When you feel good and attract higher vibrational people, circumstances and experiences, you’ll have more positive thoughts.

If you have a negative thought, you’ll get a negative emotion. When you have a negative emotion, you’ll (more likely) take wrong or no action. If you take wrong action or do nothing, you’ll get an unwanted result and feel bad. If you feel bad because of unwanted result, you’ll vibrate at a lower frequency and you’ll attract lower vibrational people, circumstances and experiences. When you feel bad and attract lower vibrational people, circumstances and experiences, you’ll have more negative thoughts.

Simple, right?

That’s it. Sure, some subtle changes to the text would help, but…

Having the knowledge, understanding and skills to consciously control your thoughts so that you can increase your vibration and attract the people, circumstances and experiences that you truly want is no small undertaking.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s not difficult but you’ll rarely find helpful guidance on your journey.

And, you will likely need and want help overcoming the inevitable hurdles and setbacks.

Plus, you want accelerated results don’t you?

So, if you want to learn how to control your thoughts so that you can attract the people, circumstances and experiences that you truly want,  click the button below and…


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William Cassidy

About William Cassidy

William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.

Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.


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