FREE Mind Hack
ATTENTION EXPERTS, INFLUENCERS & LEADERS: If you haven’t overcome your self limiting beliefs, discovered your essential powers and are NOT consciously, authentically and confidently creating your life, then here’s your best chance…
From the Desk of William Cassidy
July, 2021
Dear Friend,
If you’d like to quickly and easily fix or upgrade any part of you life, this will be the most important letter you’ll ever read.
Here’s why:
Over the past 25 years, I have spent thousands of hours meditating, experimenting subjectively and researching meta-physics, human potential and peak performance; and as a result, I’ve made many amazing discoveries that you can use to dramatically improve your life.
Simply speaking, I discovered…
How To Get Anything You Want In Your Life,
Eliminate Everything You Don’t And
Feel Amazing While Doing It
After performing hundreds of tests, meditations and subjective experiments that can be modeled to solve problems, reach goals, master your mind, self actualize and create any life you choose, I found that, no matter what, my mind was the key.
I discovered that simply by changing my mind, I could change my world.
In fact, absolutely anything, any time. Although, I still continue testing, I have never found an exception.
But, that’s not the best part. The best part was discovering who was doing the changing….
The “who” was my essential, eternal or as it’s sometimes called; higher self. I prefer essential self as that is a clue in and of itself.
Finding and expanding my true self is an amazing freedom. And with that expanded freedom comes joy.
I found what was missing while I was fixing what was broken.
I had many missteps and did it the long, arduous way, but you don’t have to…
My 3 Step Process for Life Mastery
So, I took the techniques that helped me and put them into a system. A system that is easily teachable, repeatable and highly effective so that you can quickly and easily get rid of the crap in your life that you don’t want, get the stuff you do and be able to experience the positive, healthy, “feel good” emotions we all enjoy.
This system has three phases: self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation. The crux is mind mastery because self realization and conscious creation are also consequences of mind mastery.
Because each affects the other, the system can be customized to your personal desires, needs and aspirations. Meaning, I can use this system to solve your biggest problems, low hanging fruit or a specific problem like loneliness, guilt, anxiety, depression, disempowerment, inadequacy or a lack mentality.
And, I use this system to help you feel confident, relaxed and energized while solving your problems and helping you create a life filled with happiness, abundance and fulfillment.
Currently, however, the only place you can access this system is here through my coaching programs. And, I want to get you started for FREE.
The Best Time Saving Mind Hack For FREE
I’ll tell you why I’m doing this in a minute, but first, let me take it a step further for you.
It all starts with mastering your mind. As you master your mind you realize your true, essential self and begin learning how to consciously create.
Today, you have the rare opportunity to begin mastering your mind for FREE. It starts by getting and using your first Mind Hack. The best, time saving, mind hack for solving your biggest problem.
I’m going to help you find the most self destructive belief that you want hacked, then give you the correct belief and a method for implementation. This will positively change your life!
Not only am I going to give you the best mind hack for free, I’m going to give you the blueprint for implementation and show you how it fits in with your life and goals, also for free.
Think about that. You’re literally getting the blueprint for upgrading your life for free.
Here’s What This Has Done For Me
And What It Will Do For You?
My name is Bill Cassidy and I’m just a regular guy who spent a lot of time figuring out and playing with what the greatest human beings throughout history knew that the rest of us didn’t. I’ve studied scientists, philosophers, religious leaders and their teaching in hopes my life would improve. And it has, my life gets more and more amazing everyday!
But, my life; like most people’s and probably yours, was a big struggle; often with heavy doses of confusion, overwhelm and disappointment.
You see we have been lied to our whole lives. Our parents, school teachers, religious leads and the rest of our authority figures have been misleading us our entire lives. I’m not saying they did it intentionally, as some teachings were in our best interest and others were because they didn’t know any better and were also misled.
I’s no wonder we suffer while attracting people, circumstances and experiences into our lives we don’t want.
What I’m saying is it’s not our fault.
We Suffer Until We Fix It
Back in 1997 I got charged with DWI. It was one of the worst experiences I ever had.
My life was going wrong and I didn’t know why every time I finished one problem a new one popped up. And, I didn’t know how to make them stop.
This was a big one; no car, lawyers fees, alcohol classes, etc.
I had a job but money was tight. I was stuck, confused, frustrated and angry. “Why does this shit keep happening?” I asked myself on a regular basis.
My life sucked ass!
Then, Everything Changed When I Made A Single Decision
That decision was to learn how to live a more spiritual life.
I was baptized and brought up Christian-ish. I had minimal spiritual education and what I was taught didn’t make much sense and certainly didn’t “speak” to me.
I started investigating yoga, tai chi, meditation and reading any book that would help me understand my world better.
I’d love to tell you that one day it all clicked. But, that wouldn’t be totally accurate.
That day did come, but there were many struggles and breakthroughs throughout. It was a process.
There were also thousands of hours practicing, meditating, reading obscure religious texts and trying to understand boring scientific writings.
Slowly, I began to see the cause of my problems and as I got to the root, I discovered my true self, the nature of my mind and how to avoid the problems I was causing.
Although I’m still growing, I don’t suffer with problems or any negative emotions and I know and can manifest my deepest desires.
I feel great! I’m always happy, healthy, energized, confident, whole, relaxed and I enjoy peace of mind and fulfillment. Everything in my life continuously gets better and better, easier and easier.
I no longer stress, struggle or suffer with negative, unnecessary, unhealthy, disempowering or ineffective thoughts or beliefs and I’m able to attract and/or experience the things I desire most; quickly and easily.
I’m currently creating my best, happy, healthy, abundant dream life.
And you can do the same!
Here’s How You Can Have It All…
It starts with a simple decision to be open to a better path.
The path, I’m advocating, is an inside journey to see what’s there, to learn how to listen, feel and focus; and to reprogram your thoughts and beliefs that aren’t working for you with beliefs that do work for you.
So, decide right now and you’ll be on your way. It takes less than two seconds.
If you have decided and you’re open amazing things WILL START happening to you. Little, unexpected and surprising things will start popping up in your life simply from making that decision. But, what you’ll come to understand is that you are responsible; that you are the creator.
It can be a slow process but you are on a better track and your life will slowly start to improve. Better and better, easier and easier, every day in every way!
So, by now you may be wondering…
If Your Mind Hack Is So Great, Why Are You Giving It To Me For Free?
Fair enough. To be honest, my intentions are somewhat selfish.
Sure, I like helping people, but…
I also like making money because I can grow my business faster and help more people.
And everytime I get to give away one of my mind hacks, I learn how to better serve as well as get a potential future client.
I’ve had so much success with theses hacks. They have made my life infinitely easier and more enjoyable.
I’m so sure that once you see the effects for yourself you will want to know more.
And when that happens, you basically have two choices:
1. You can do it yourself.
You can read my tips and other free training, find another guide or try to figure it out yourself.
There is nothing wrong with trying to figure it out yourself. Start meditating and you’ll be on your way.
But, it will take you a lot of time and energy and possibly a lot of money. And very likely, a lot of your time, money and energy will be wasted. Not to mention all the frustration and dead ends.
2. I Can Help You
If you choose so, I’ll help you solve your problems, achieve your goals, self actualize, master your mind, consciously create your dream life and feel more and more amazing while doing it.
This Is Not A Sales Pitch In Disguise!
You will not be pressured, hassled or cajoled.
We will simply chat and you will get your FREE mind hack. If you’d like to talk about anything else, we’ll do that.
Then, you apply what I gave you and my hope is that when you see first hand the effectiveness of changing your mind, you’ll want more.
At that point, we’ll discuss how I can help you best.
Fair enough?
There Is No Risk!
There is no financial risk at all. I will not be asking you for any money or to buy anything from me. Your only risk is the few minutes it takes to fill out the form below.
This Is Not For Everyone.
Here’s Who I Can Help:
In order for me to work with you for free, you’re going to need to meet some reasonable, criteria.
Here it is:
1. You must be serious about transforming your life
2. You must be committed to putting forth your best and required effort
3. You must be willing to provide me with some feedback
Here Is What I Want You To Do Next
If you meet the criteria above and would like to talk with me, I’d be happy to set some time aside to help you.
Here’s how the process works:
First, you’ll need to fill out an application. Don’t worry, it’s short and simple. I just want to know your biggest problems, what you want to accomplish and so forth.
Then you’ll be directed to a page to schedule your call.
Your initial call will be about a half hour and it’s with me, not some random representative.
I’ll deliver the mind hack for solving your biggest problem, we’ll discuss other problems, your goals and anything else you want.
This opportunity is extremely limited because of the intense one-on-one time needed to provide you with results.
Therefore, it is physically impossible for me to work with more than a handful of people.
Also, you should realize there is a very large demand for me and that what I’m offering is unprecedented.
So, with that said, know that the window of opportunity won’t be open for long.
If you feel like this is for you, click the “APPLY” button below and let’s talk.

In your corner,
William Cassidy
Meditation & Mindset Coach
P.S. In case you’re one of those people, like me, who skip to the end of the letter, here’s the deal:
I’ll give you the mind hack to permanently solve your biggest problem, you must be serious about transforming your lifestyle, committed to put forth your best and required effort and willing to provide me some feedback; then we can part or maybe work some more together.
P.S.S. This is a chance for you to solve one of your biggest problems for FREE and with zero risk. You may never get this chance again, especially without cost or risk.
So, hit the “APPLY” button and get your FREE Mind Hack!