William Cassidy

Problems Are Easy to Solve Before They Begin Quote

Problems Are Easy to Solve Before They Begin Quote

“Problems are easy to solve before they begin” is another one of my favorite quotes that I frequently use but don’t know who said it.

Problems Are Easy to Solve Before They Begin QuoteDid I come up with it? I doubt it, it sounds too wise.

Also, I may have bastardized it from something someone else said.

I searched without luck for its original author.

My guess would be Lao Tzu or Osho.

Regardless, contemplate it’s meaning for a bit, then put it into practice.

Try to notice where each problem originates and if there was something you could have done differently that would have delivered a better outcome.

The answer is always “yes”.

Notice how much easier solving them becomes.

That’s why “Problems are easy to solve before they begin” is one of my favorite quotes. I like simple and easy.

Incidentally, solving problems earlier will dramatically improve your life.

If you implement this incredible life strategy, you will learn how to not create problems in the first place.

And, you’ll will eventually notice that all of your problems begin the same way.

Once you learn the secret, you can stop creating problems that you don’t want.

You may be saying that you don’t want any problems but that’s not healthy either. I say this from personal experience.

You want some problems, but you want to be the one choosing your problems and not too many or all at once either.

That way you only experience the “good” problems you want and you can still grow and enjoy.

If you want to know where your problems originate or you want better problems, I recommend you get started today with my Greater Powered Advanced Training Program.

It’s a holistic health and fitness system for your mind, body and spirit.

You’ll learn the knowledge, skills and understanding to transform your life into whatever you want or choose. 

Don’t stress and suffer a minute longer. Get Greater Powered today.


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William Cassidy

About William Cassidy

William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.

Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.

Be Against Nothing and Nothing Will Be Against You

Be Against Nothing and Nothing Will Be Against You

Be Against Nothing and Nothing Will Be Against YouBe against nothing and nothing will be against you” is one of my all time favorite sayings.

I don’t know where it came from but I’m hoping that I made it up?

We need to stop fighting everything we don’t want and start creating what we do want.

For example, we have wars on drugs, poverty, illiteracy, disease, etc.

How’s that working out?

We get more of it, no?

That’s what happens…

Whatever we focus on grows.

So, if we focus on stopping war, we’ll get more war.

The Mother Teresa story illuminates this point the best.

When she was asked to attend an anti-war rally, she basically said that she wouldn’t attend unless it was a peace rally. She understood this.

Focus on peace, you’ll get more of it. Focus on war and you’ll get more of it.

It doesn’t matter whether you are for or against it, just that your attention is on it.

Side note: This is a big clue to tell whether someone is full of shit or not.

If they are against something, you should probably stop listening to them because they definitely don’t know any better.

This has helped me uncover numerous unhealthy beliefs I held.

Be against nothing and nothing will be against you.


Never miss a life changing insight...

William Cassidy

About William Cassidy

William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.

Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.

how to get closer to god spiritually

How To Get Closer To God Spiritually

If you want to know how to get closer to god spiritually, the first thing we have to do is to understand what god is and is not.

Although, this is something that I typically stay away from. Actually, I rarely use the term God because it gets so many people upset.

Characteristics of God

God Is

Most agree that God is omniscient, omnipresent, all pervasive, complete and is the source creator. Interestingly, Science pretty much agrees too, if we use the term energy instead of God.

God Has Been

Additionally, through much of our history, people used God to describe people who appear to have superhuman abilities.

God Is Not

However, God is not human.

Attributing human qualities and actions to God is called personification.

This leads to a fundamental misunderstanding of God.

God does not want, get angry, jealous or have bad relationships. That’s nonsensical. It’s humans personifying what we can’t comprehend through our minds.

To Know God

You can’t know god through your mind. You must transcend your mind. Your mind always needs space and time to operate. The only way to know the ultimate is through the immediate. Meditation is the best strategy for overcoming your mind and knowing god.

Overcome Your Mind

From my experience, god is the synthesis of all things. Including existence and nonexistence. Your mind has been dividing and labeling since you were a child. Synthesis is the process of putting everything back together. Sure there are more effective strategies but simply knowing this is helpful. If only to become aware of this mental process.

So, How to Get Closer to God Spiritually?

Well, you may have figured what I’m going to say next…

Become more present. Increase your level of consciousness, grow spiritually, increase your vibrational frequency, master your mind; all basically are/do the same thing.

They all lessen your attachment to your mind, body and physical world. In effect, increasing your spirituality.

How To Become More Present?

First, understand that you are not your mind, thinking, words, body, past or future. You are so much more than those limited perspectives.

You, your spirit, essential and eternal needs to control your mind. Conquer your mind’s attachments and constant activity.

Don’t worry, it’s easier than you think.

How to Get Closer to God Spiritually; A Simple Way

However, conquering your mind is it’s death so it will fight back. Laugh at it when it does is my suggestion. It’s like dealing with a bratty 5 year old child.

Arguably, the simplest way to be present is to leverage meditation.


I may have an even better way. It uses some meditation, however much more can often be gained by leveraging multiple techniques, including using understanding as a way to transform yourself.

A Better Way Forward…

This better way is called Greater Powered and it’s a complete system for increasing consciousness and mastering your mind.

It also contains training on how to control what you feel and how to create what you want.

It’s 12 modules contain everything you need to know to live your best life. There’s also a FREE Blueprint to start with if money is tight.

So, if you tired of living with stress, struggle and suffering, You don’t have to anymore. Greater Powered’s Advanced Training System is the best way how to get closer to god spiritually and overcome that nonsense.


Never miss a life changing insight...

William Cassidy

About William Cassidy

William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.

Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.

Best Life Strategy

The Best Life Strategy Is to Grow Spiritually While…

Best Life StrategyThe best life strategy is to grow spiritually while you master your mind.

Growing spiritually helps you feel better.

Mastering your mind helps you stop feeling “bad”.

Growing spiritually is often expressed as growing conscious, aware or present.

What it basically comes down to is this…

You don’t feel as “good” as you could when you are unconscious because your spirit is subjugated and suppressed by your mind.

Not only will you feel worse than what you could, you will feel like a victim of life.  Frequent stress, struggle, fear and suffering will be your experience. You will feel disconnected, unworthy, inadequate and can be destructive to yourself, others and things.

However, when you are conscious, you not only feel better, you know you are the creator of your life. Good health, ease and fulfillment are mostly your experience. You feel connected, loved and don’t hurt others because you know that hurting others hurts yourself.

Also, you can fix and optimize your thoughts, beliefs and focus to get what you want and feel whatever you choose. This is the real treasure and what I teach in my Advanced Training System.

It is simply a better, faster, easier way to grow spiritually and master your mind.

So, if you’re tired of suffering through life, and want to grow spiritually and master your mind…

Check out the ultimate holistic health and fitness system: Greater Powered.

This advanced training system will give you the knowledge, skills and understanding to quickly and easily feel or create anything you want.

Now that I think about it, buying and using the Greater Powered System may be the best life strategy.


Never miss a life changing insight...

William Cassidy

About William Cassidy

William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.

Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.

This Is More Beneficial Than Competition is for You Team

This Is More Beneficial Than Competition is for You

This Is More Beneficial Than Competition is for You TeamThis is more beneficial than competition to you…

Are you curious?

It’s cooperation.

It’s subtle, but here’s why…

You strengthen the belief that you are separate when you compete. You are also, subtly, trying to benefit yourself. Which will come at the expense of others.

And counter intuitively, this is the least beneficial for you.

Conversely, through cooperation, you begin see, understand and believe that you are connected to every other person and thing.

And this is extremely beneficial to you.

Once you have the belief that you are connected, you can’t feel lonely, isolated or unwanted and you do start feeling more connected, loved and appreciated.

When you “know” that you are connected, you know that helping others up is of great benefit to you.

Then, you not only feel connected, but you also feel fulfilled.

I’m not saying to be against competition.

I’m saying cooperation is more beneficial than competition is for you.


Never miss a life changing insight...

William Cassidy

About William Cassidy

William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.

Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.

Does It Help To Be Rich Women

Does It Help To Be Rich?

Does It Help To Be Rich WomenLet me answer the “does it help to be rich” question in two ways.

The first way: no.

It doesn’t matter who you are or what your status, gender, color, size, nationality, bank account, etc. is; the world works the same for everyone.

Here’s why…

Try this: imagine that since you were born you’ve been collecting pebbles.

You know, tiny rocks not Fred and Wilma’s baby (she’s grown now – I guess).

When you first started collecting them, you didn’t even know you were collecting them. It just kind of happened.

You find and secure dozens or more per day. 

You like some pebbles more than others and are proud of them.

Although you do lose and return some, imagine that you carry them around, everywhere you go, every single day. 

Think of the burden that would be to your experience.

How far could you go? 

What a struggle that would be.

What would your relationships be like? 

Where would you live?

Job, friends, family?

How would you buy food?

When you are rich, you can have a nicer way to carry your pebbles around, but you’ll likely have more of them and you still have to take them everywhere. 

So the burden can be larger; and it’s more difficult to get rid of.

Now imagine that your pebbles are not pebbles but they are your thoughts and beliefs.

*NOTE: This analogy will also works with judgments and possessions.  

And, each thought and belief has weight, just like the pebbles. 

Some thoughts and beliefs weigh you down more than others.

When you are consciously thought free, like while in meditation or love, you are as light as you can be.

No pebbles!

You are free from your pebbles. Liberated!

That buoyant, boundless feeling is joy.


Isn’t that the way it really is?

The truth is that you can easily drop your burdens. You don’t have to carry them around.

When you do, you are free.

But most don’t. 

Mostly because no one has ever taught us how to drop them, not be afraid to drop them, not get tricked into not dropping them and, of course, how to to stop creating them in the first place. 

This is a big chunk of what I teach and what I’m attempting to teach right now.

I hope that maybe something I say or do, clicks and you realize that you don’t need carry around unwanted and unhealthy burdens (that you mostly accumulated unknowingly as a child).

And, that they are easy to drop when you know how.

The 2nd way to answer does it help to be rich:

If you measure riches not as the amount of stuff you have or own, but by how much you have authentically lived or by how much you need, then it helps to be rich.

I guess the correct answer to does it help to be rich is, it depends on what you are measuring.

Regardless, if you want to get rid of your pebbles, I can help you do it faster.

Let’s talk

…or visit Greater Powered and get the Blueprint.


Never miss a life changing insight...

William Cassidy

About William Cassidy

William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.

Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.

Girls Feel Better Fast Using Simple Mind Mastery Techniques

3 Ways to Feel Better Fast

Feel Better Fast Using These Simple Mind Mastery Techniques

Girls Feel Better Fast Using Simple Mind Mastery TechniquesThe past couple years have been rough (…pandemic, politics, inflation, conflict and don’t forget murder hornets) for a lot of people with many searching for a way to feel better fast.

Many feel as if their lives have taken a precipitous downfall and they are not confident it’ll get better any time soon.

Are you one of them? You don’t have to be.

I rarely share this with anyone, because of the aforementioned, but the past few years have been pretty good for me.

I’m healthy, happy and doing the things I always wanted to do.

But, it’s mostly because I choose what I feel.

I never feel anger, insecure, hate, guilt, lack, jealousy or any other negative emotion. I never don’t feel great.

And anyone can do it.

It’s simply a matter of being aware and choosing thoughts and beliefs that serve you better.

So, fixing and optimizing your mind is kinda like a fine-tuning and I can help you with that if you want, but these techniques are very broad.

Theses broad techniques are very useful because they’ll help you make a lot of your life better all at once.

And fast.

You will notice and feel the benefits immediately.

Here’s the 3 ways to feel better fast…

Stop focusing on the crap

This is huge.

If you stop focusing on the crap in your life and the world, you will immediately feel better and prevent yourself from creating more of it.

Every time that you catch yourself thinking about the stuff you don’t want in your life, correct yourself immediately and then focus on something that you do want more of.

Focus on what you love and/or what you want more of

Focusing on what you love or want more of, especially with gratitude and love, is one way to create more of it in your life.

Set a regular time to be grateful for what you want like when you awake and/or go to sleep.

If you don’t have what you want in your life, then start by imagining what it would feel like to have it in your life.


Meditation is the most effective and efficient way to improve your life and feel better. It will help you with your focus too.

The benefits of meditation are endless. Basically, you’re letting the ultimate power and intelligence of the universe help you.

If you haven’t yet, don’t know where or want to start, call me and I’ll get you going in the right direction. Or, check out my 5 Minute Meds site.

All three ways will help you to immediately feel better. They work if you do them.

Feel Better Fast Resistance

If you’re thinking that these techniques are hard to do, they’re actually not. They become effortless with practice.

You experienced a detrimental belief: the belief that something is difficult.

That belief is true for you, not for all others. Some, though.

You can change that belief to anything you want.

It would serve you better if that belief is something that benefits you.

Change the beliefs to something like “Changing my life/thoughts/beliefs/whatever is easy and makes me feel confident and powerful”.

As you change your detrimental and destructive beliefs to beneficial and healthy beliefs, your life changes exponentially for the better.

But, it’s not difficult and if I can do it, you can do it.

Eventually nothing will be difficult for you. Everything will be easy because you are not making it difficult.

So, if you want to feel better fast and/or master your mind, then let’s talk.


Never miss a life changing insight...

William Cassidy

About William Cassidy

William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.

Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.

Life Is Like a Working Vacation on Earth plant growing

Life Is Like a Working Vacation on Earth…

Life Is Like a Working Vacation on Earth plant growingLife is like a working vacation on Earth…

You try to have as much fun as possible, though it behooves you immensely to grow while you are here.

What do you mean by grow?

Your consciousness.

What happens when you grow?

You feel better and better. 

What happens when you grow for a long time?

You move towards health, freedom, love and life.

What happens if you don’t grow?

You feel worse and worse.

What happens when you don’t grow for a long time?

You move towards disease, destruction, decay and death.

What’s the best way to grow conscious?


What’s the best meditation?

There is no one best meditation. 

What’s the best meditation for me?

I can help you. Tell me something about your self and we’ll jump on the phone.

Sign up for FREE Session


Never miss a life changing insight...

William Cassidy

About William Cassidy

William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.

Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.

Let Go of Outcomes

Let Go of Outcomes Mind Hack

Let Go of OutcomesLet go of outcomes and stop wasting your energy.

This mind hack will help you regain your energy and help you with your health and sleep.

When you are thinking about outcomes, you are not being present and are missing all the potential of the current present moment.

And, If you are present, there will be no reason to worry about outcomes as everything will take care of itself exactly as it should.

Plus, it will work out more frequently for your benefit, pleasure and joy.

If you liked this hack, download The Ultimate Mind Hacks List.

For the ultimate fitness system for your mind, body and soul, visit: GreaterPowered.com.


Never miss a life changing insight...

William Cassidy

About William Cassidy

William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.

Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.

beautiful sunset with boat and birds passing by

The Keystone for Creating Your Heaven on Earth

The Keystone for Creating Your Heaven on Earth sunsetKnowing who you are is the keystone for creating your heaven on earth and the start of harnessing the infinite power and intelligence of the universe.

This quote is from William Cassidy’s Greater Powered Blueprint for Manifesting Your Unimaginable Dream Life.

The Blueprint is free.


Never miss a life changing insight...

William Cassidy

About William Cassidy

William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.

Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.

Immediately Quell Anxiety Man Happy

Immediately Quell Anxiety, Depression and Anything Else

Immediately Quell Anxiety Man HappyBREAKING UPDATE:
Immediately Quell Anxiety, Depression and Anything Else You Don’t Want to Feel with New System

  • No Drugs
  • Minimal Effort to Start
  • Low maintenance
  • Gets Easier and Easier
  • Takes Less and Less Time
  • Takes Less and Less Effort
  • Not Expensive

You don’t have to experience any emotions that you don’t want anymore!

Greater Powered: The Ultimate Fitness System for Your Mind, Body and Spirit.


Never miss a life changing insight...

William Cassidy

About William Cassidy

William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.

Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.

Are You Taking Care of Your Mind Body and Spirit Three Animals

Are You Taking Care of Your Mind, Body and Spirit?

Are You Taking Care of Your Mind Body and Spirit Three AnimalsI think you, and most everyone else, would agree that taking care of all three: your mind, body and spirit is critically important to living the best life you could live. Right?

However, most of us completely neglect our spirit and rarely fix the damage done to us as children. 

If you neglect your spirit, it’s very likely that you have neglected your mind too. 

And, if you are not actively seeking to expand your spirit and optimize your mind, then your mind will control your life, not your spirit. 

When your mind is in control, you will always have a feeling like something is wrong, missing or unsettled.

Looking deeply within will reveal this deeply buried pain that all humans have.

It’s your contracted spirit being subjugated, suppressed and defeated by your mind.

Liberating your spirit from you mind is the only way to stop experiencing this feeling.

Joy is the consequence of a liberated spirit and peace is the consequence of a mastered mind.

Your mind, however, is not a problem. It’s a tool for creating your truest desires on earth.

You just have to fix the broken, ineffective and inefficient mental programming to make everything work properly.

Then you’ll hum through life!

Life becomes so much more fun, pleasurable, enjoyable and fulfilling when you understand that you (your spirit) are the creator, your mind is the creating and the physical world is the created.

Everything becomes easier too.

I want to help you get there. There’s plenty of free tips to help you get started on my blog, but for the fastest results start by contacting me for a free consultation.

I’ll help you on your path to a healthy mind, body and spirit or with whatever you need.

Talk soon,


Never miss a life changing insight...

William Cassidy

About William Cassidy

William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.

Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.

Why I Like Everything Mind Hack thumbs up with coffee

Why I Like Everything Mind Hack

Why I Like Everything Mind Hack thumbs up with coffeeWant to know why I like everything?

First and most importantly, it forces you to be aware. Being conscious is essential to healthy, successful living.

Second, your focus is beneficial. It will be focusing on what you want more of. You’ll be running high vibrational emotions like love and gratitude. This is why you get more of what you love to focus on.

Third, your focus will not be on that which is detrimental. So, you won’t be creating more of what you don’t want.

Fourth, you’ll start creating more of what you truly enjoy and want more of in your life simply from being aware and leveraging the higher vibrations of consciousness.

Fifth, I’m grateful for the contrast. The contrast allows me to happily dislike stuff I really don’t like. jk

So, that’s why I like everything.

The mind hack is to start liking everything too; and stop giving your energy to the things you don’t like and want.

What To Do Next?

If you liked this hack, download The Ultimate Mind Hacks List.

If you want to like everything or you want to get rid of the crap (people, circumstances, emotions and experiences) in your life, you can get what you want the fastest at GreaterPowered.com.


Never miss a life changing insight...

William Cassidy

About William Cassidy

William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.

Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.

Girl Feel Better Immediately By Using This Mind Hack

Feel Better Immediately By Using This Mind Hack…

Girl Feeling Better Immediately By Using This Mind HackUse this mind hack to feel better immediately.

Although there are many ways to immediately feel better, this one is one of my favorites.

It never fails to immediately and dramatically work for me.

I always laugh really hard when I do this…

It’s simple, easy and effective; especially if you are feeling miserable or want a quick pick me up.

Search for and then read “funny text messages”.

The key is to notice the need to do it.

If you are down a bit, and even if you aren’t, simply reading a few funny texts will always lift your vibrational frequency – you’ll feel better.

To clarify, you will feel better and when you feel better you will attract better into your life.

Nothing makes you feel as good as love and/or meditation. But, they can be difficult for many and work better long term.

Gratitude and laughing are two of the easiest and both are immediately effective.

Exercise, teaching, helping another in some way, being kind or lifting the spirits of others with consideration, care and goodwill; are all easy and effective.  

However, these are all short term solutions.

If you have unhealthy, unwanted, unnecessary, divisive, limiting, ineffective and disempowering thoughts and beliefs, then you are still going to feel anxious, depressed and miserable more than you want to; until you do something about them.

Don’t worry though, the fix is really easy.

Simply delete and or repair the thoughts and beliefs that aren’t working for you. 

It’s actually quite easy and anyone can do it. 

I started doing it as a kid (didn’t know what I was doing at all). I was sometimes less than effective.

Eventually, I found and perfected techniques (by meditating and studying masters) that work.

So, I put them into a system that gives you all the tools and information you need to continuously feel better:

The Ultimate Fitness System for Your Life

You gain the knowledge and skills to choose what you want to think and how you want to feel at any time.

Plus, a  myriad of additional benefits.

You can choose to eliminate anxiety, guilt, stress, lack, loneliness, anger, frustration, doubt, fear and anything else you suffer.


Want to feel love, appreciation, happiness, ease, confidence, joy, fulfillment, wholeness, freedom and liberation?

You can do that too!

Currently, I have this system in a text based course that comes with one of my coaching packages.

You can get access it with my VIP Coaching or the Unlimited Laser Coaching.

You get the course with either and we leverage it together to accelerate your results.

So, it’s up to you.

Are you aware and brave enough to consciously change your mind?

And if you choose to accelerate your results with me, you will not only feel better immediately, you’ll feel better forever.


Never miss a life changing insight...

William Cassidy

About William Cassidy

William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.

Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.

New "FREE Stuff" Section Added

New “FREE Stuff” Section Added

New "FREE Stuff" Section AddedJust added a new “FREE Stuff” section to my website. It includes a FREE Mind Hack, FREE Personal Coaching Session, The Blueprint for Manifesting Your Unimaginable Dream Life as well as my best selling book: The Secret to Happiness. Simply go to my blog: https://wfcassidy.com/blog, then at the top choose “FREE Stuff” and download what you want; or download everything.


Never miss a life changing insight...

William Cassidy

About William Cassidy

William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.

Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.

Are You Sick of Not Living the Life You Expected?

Are You Sick of Not Living the Life You Expected?

Are You Sick of Not Living the Life You Expected?Are you sick of not living the life you expected?

Perhaps you feel like stress, struggle and suffering are just an unavoidable part of life.

Either way, there’s just one reason for it.

You are unconsciously creating your life.

You haven’t learned how to consciously create the kind of reality that makes you ABSOLUTELY THRILLED TO BE YOU.

Imagine that you have the power to attract any thing, experience or circumstance that you want into your life; eliminate any thing, experience or circumstance that you don’t want and feel powerful, confident, at ease and fulfilled while doing it.

What would you create?

You Have the Power!

What you don’t have is the knowledge, skill and understanding to leverage it.

Don’t worry, you can get them, it’s not difficult and it’s not your fault.

You see, we are all programmed as children and we are so young that we have no say or memory of the programming.

That’s why circumstances and experiences we don’t want keep happening to us. We are unaware of the programming that creates our reality. We are victims to it.

However, there is a simple process for finding and fixing our unhealthy, unwanted, unnecessary, divisive, limiting, ineffective and disempowering dysfunctional programming.

It’s a simple, easy, effective and proven process that anyone can use to quickly up level their life. I know because I did it.

Actually, what I did was not so simple, easy or effective, but…

I cherry picked the best of what worked and simplified into an easy and effective system. You can use it to skip all the hard work and get better results faster.

There is currently no way to get this system except through me and my coaching. And there are only a few people on earth who can teach you even parts of this system.

I have spent well over 20 years of meditation, studying ancient texts and experimenting on myself to put this system together.

I always knew, somehow, that there was an easier way than all the BS I was being taught. Also, I knew that I was going to figure it out and put it into a system that anybody could use.

Meaning you don’t need to be a guru or live in a cave to become a master. 

So, here we are!

You can continue stressing, struggling and suffering from the dysfunctional programming in your mind or you can take action today and start creating and enjoying the life you were always meant to live..

Simply  CONTACT ME NOW and you’ll be on your way to eliminating the crap in your life and getting the life you truly want and always expected.

Never miss a life changing insight...

William Cassidy

About William Cassidy

William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.

Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.

You Will Never Feel Whole and Complete Unless You Do This

You Will Never Feel Whole and Complete Unless You Do This…

You Will Never Feel Whole and Complete Unless You Do ThisWhen I say that you will never feel whole and complete unless you this, I do mean never.

You can bury or deny that extremely uncomfortable “something’s missing”, incomplete feeling, but you will never feel whole.

You may have a partner and think that they complete you, but they don’t.

If you add two incomplete people together, you don’t get two whole people.

Sure it feels great and I’m not against it, but it doesn’t make you feel whole and complete.

Actually, having a partner is often a subtle way of distracting and denying that incomplete feeling.

Only one thing will make you feel whole and that is self realization; knowing your “true” self.

My language preference is “essential” self.

Your true self is essential and eternal and if you don’t know who you are, you will always have the feeling that something is missing.

Sure, you can bury it or live your life with worldly distractions, but it’s there.

This is a reason many can’t be alone or in silence.

If you are someone who is always in your phone, have TV or music on or some other distraction including children, hobbies and service to others, then, most likely, you don’t know your essential self, and that’s why.

How to Know Your Essential Self

The simplest way to self realize is to start meditating. You will uncover who you really are in time.

Another way is to make the mind shift from identifying your self as a physical human being to understanding then knowing that you are metaphysical.

You are so much more than your mind, body, thinking, past-future identification.

I outline another technique in my “Greater Powered Blueprint” mini-class, that imparts the best way to start. 

But, if you want the best results the fastest, I recommend joining one of my Greater Powered coaching programs.

I have two…

One is VIP and the other is Unlimited Coaching and they both come with access to the more detailed “Greater Powered Advanced Training Program”.

However, your real benefit is having someone with experience helping you navigate and overcome the obstacles and self sabotage that you will surely experience along your journey.

Plus a whole lot more!

So, stop suffering with that “something’s missing” feeling for the rest of your life and take action to feel whole and complete.

Never miss a life changing insight...

William Cassidy

About William Cassidy

William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.

Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.

Life Mastery Blueprint

Mindset Coach, William Cassidy, Launches FREE Mini-Class That Simplifies Life Mastery

Life Mastery BlueprintAuthor, Publisher and Mindset Coach William F. Cassidy launches new training offering a simplified life mastery blueprint called “Greater Powered: The Blueprint for Manifesting Your Unimaginable Dream Life” that helps anyone who isn’t thrilled with their life feel complete, confident, healthy, relaxed, and fulfilled; eliminate unwanted people, things, circumstances and experiences; and effortlessly create their dream life.

Southampton, NY August 16, 2021 – William Cassidy, a meditation and mindset coach, announced the release of a new video training. The free training consists of a video mini-class with a downloadable report that simplifies life mastery into a 5 step blueprint. The training was designed to make student’s lives easier, better and more fulfilling.

For most of us, our life isn’t exactly what we thought it would be and we don’t understand why. In this simple 5 step blueprint Cassidy helps you find what’s missing and fix what’s broken so that you can attract, achieve and experience everything you want, eliminate anything you don’t and live your best, happy, healthy, abundant dream life.

“Think of it this way” says Cassidy “pretend you have the power to attract any thing, person, experience or circumstance that you want into your life, eliminate any thing, person, experience or circumstance that you don’t want and feel powerful, confident, at ease and fulfilled while you do it. Well, you have this power. What you don’t have is the knowledge, skill and understanding to leverage it beneficially. This is what I’m teaching in my mini-class and coaching programs.”

The training is less than 20 minutes and can be accessed for free with the blueprint report at greaterpowered.com. There is also an advanced training program that expands in detail on the blueprint. Currently, it is text based and can only be accessed with one of his Greater Powered coaching programs. It is being finalized into a one off product and no official release date has been set. 

William Cassidy is a best selling author with over 20 years of meditation, study and personal experiments and has been seen on ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX and many other well known news media websites. To learn more about Bill’s products and coaching services, visit wfcassidy.com or contact William at (631) 287-6615.


Never miss a life changing insight...

William Cassidy

About William Cassidy

William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.

Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.

My Favorite 5 Minute Meditations

My Favorite 5 Minute Meditations

My Favorite 5 Minute MeditationsHave you ever wondered what my favorite 5 minute meditations are?

I didn’t think so, but I’m gonna share anyway.

The first is “Get Answers”.

You can get it here at 5MinuteMeds.com.

Full disclosure; I’m the author and creator…

Here’s the description from the sales page:
Whether you have big, serious, “what am I doing” questions or simple “what’s for dinner” questions, “Get Answers” will help you discover the best answer that’s right for you. It’s my favorite.

Wow, I even included that it’s my favorite!

“Get Answers” is a guided meditation that each time I listen to it, and I frequently do, I feel amazing afterwards. It’s actually quite beautiful. 

And, you get the answers to any questions that you may have… 

Short, fun, effective meditations
you’ll actually use.

You see, I created the 5 minute meditations for me. 

I wanted a quick, easy way for me to successfully meditate when I was busy or didn’t really feel like it.

Meditation is that one thing we know that is really beneficial for us, but we often put off for a variety of reasons. Yes, me too.

So, for those busy days, or the days that you have a specific issue and just want to get on the right track, I created the 5 minute med series.

The specific issues I speak of may be health, money, connection or something else like you need to get answers to make a good decision. 

They are non-religious in nature and are especially beneficial for beginners.

Despite “Get Answers” being my favorite, “6 Phase Fast” is the one that I’ve used the most.

“6 Phase Fast” is the 5 minute, actually almost 6, version of Vishen Lakhiani’s “6 Phase Meditation” from Mind Valley.

So, “6 Phase Fast” is my second favorite. 

Both are great meditations; the longer being more beneficial and the shorter is a quick way to feel on track, supported and successful.

You can download the “6 Phase Fast” for free and learn more about all the other 5 minute meditations at 5MinuteMeds.com.

What are your favorite 5 Minute Meditations?


Never miss a life changing insight...

William Cassidy

About William Cassidy

William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.

Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.

Magical Stuff

Magical Stuff Happens to People Who Believe

When you consciously create your realty, you feel powerful, confident and at ease while you, pretty much, can have, do or experience anything that you want; including magical stuff. -William Cassidy

Magical Stuff

Magical stuff happens to people who believe that magical stuff “CAN” happen to them.


Magical stuff is more likely to be experienced by people who focus on or “EXPECT” magical stuff to happen to them.

If you focus on and expect magical stuff to happen to you, then magical stuff will appear to happen to you.

It doesn’t have a choice. It has to happen.

Your world is a reflection of that which you think, believe and focus on.

But, it’s not and nothing is happening to you, you are creating it.

You are not aware of how you are creating it though.

This goes for your entire reality, YOU created it.

In this case, you created it by having the belief “magical stuff happens to me”.

However, an even better belief would be “I’m the creator of magical stuff”.

It’s more empowering, yes?

There are two caveats: competing beliefs and/or conflicts with the agreement we all have as a co-creator of existence: basically (too complex to go into here), it can’t break physics. 

So, it’s much harder to move a mountain, not impossible though, than it is to manifest you holding  your winning lottery ticket.

Or, you feeling powerful, confident and at ease or you having a partner who loves, accepts and appreciates you completely or the job, car or house you want.

Or, anything else you truly want.

You are creating it.

Whether you are creating consciously or not.

You are always creating.

Your thoughts, beliefs and focus determine what gets created.

Yes, you can say attracting or manifesting too.

The Metaphysical Software

So, here’s how it works…

Words and thoughts are like the creation software code.

Chronic patters of words and thought, and experiences, become beliefs.

Beliefs are feelings. Every belief, and every thought, has a corresponding vibrational frequency.

Everything you think and believe causes an emotion. 

So, high frequency vibrations/emotions like love, gratitude and connection, feel “good” while low frequency vibrations/emotions like hate, shame and loneliness do not.

For example, think about puppies.

Now think about puppies getting smashed over the head with bricks.

Sorry about that, but do you see?

One feels good to think about and the other doesn’t.

So, if you consciously choose to eliminate or repair the thoughts and beliefs that make you feel “bad”, then you will stop feeling “bad”.

If you consciously have thoughts and beliefs that make you feel “good”, then you will start feeling “good”.   

Going a step farther, if you consciously reprogram your mind (thoughts and beliefs) with healthy, beneficial, liberating, empowering and effective thoughts and beliefs, you will always feel healthy, lucky, joyful, powerful, confident, energized and at ease.

If you don’t, you will often feel like crap.

So stop creating crap!

But, how?

Consciously create your realty so that you can feel great instead of like crap.  Also, you can pretty much have, do or experience anything you want, including magical stuff.   

Consciously Create Magical Stuff or Whatever You Want

So, Ii your current reality isn’t exactly what you want, then you may consider getting help to get better results faster.

That’s what I do: I help you get a better life (working towards having the happy, healthy, fulfilling life of ease and abundance that you truly deserve) faster and easier than trying to overcome hurdles to figure out everything all by yourself.

I can help you minimize and eliminate aggravation, confusion, overwhelm, self sabotage, stress, struggle, suffering, stuck, etc. and get you your dream life faster and easier than you ever might imagine.

You will save a lot of time and energy while avoiding aggravation.

Simply, accept my invitation for coaching.

There is no risk or obligation to you.

The only thing you have to lose is the crap that you don’t want in your life.

…or go learn more about  Bill’s coaching programs.

Take inspired action now. Click the above button and start feeling more confident, powerful and at ease while quickly and easily creating magical stuff; or whatever you want in your life.


Never miss a life changing insight...

William Cassidy

About William Cassidy

William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.

Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.

What is a Mind Hack

What is a Mind Hack

A mind hack is a shortcut towards the health, ease, joy, power and freedom of life mastery via optimizing your thoughts, beliefs and focus.
-William Cassidy

What is a Mind Hack

So, I said to Google, “What’s a mind hack?”

The first results entry gave me the definition for “brain hacking”.

Brain hacking is the application of techniques and/or technologies to affect an individual’s mental state, cognitive processes or level of function. … As an approach for personal development, brain hacking seeks to enhance cognitive function and optimize efficacy and happiness.

“Google, that’s not what I want. I said “mind hack. That’s M-I-N-D H-A-C-K, miiiiind haaaack”!

Actually, I typed it in with lowercase letters and quotes (It’s an old marketer’s trick to get a quick look at keyword competition).

Anyhow, this came up in the first result with quotes:

So, “mind hack” here can be described as a conditioning or reconditioning of the mind to work better. It’s about understanding how the mind (and brain) functions and tweaking it up to work effectively, in relation to productivity.

That’s a little better for my purposes…

But to me, a mind hack is a shortcut towards the health, ease, joy, power and freedom of life mastery via optimizing your thoughts, beliefs and focus.

So basically, life mastery shortcuts via mind mastery.

Why Hack Your Mind

Your reality is a reflection of that which you think, believe and focus on.

So, if you change your thoughts and beliefs or your focus, you will change your world.

When you optimize your thoughts, beliefs and focus, you feel amazing (powerful, confident, relaxed, whole, connected, liberated, expansive, etc.) and can manifest anything. 

You optimize your life.

If you leverage a technique to optimize your thoughts, beliefs and focus to achieve a result much faster, it’s a mind hack.

So, if you changed your mind from “I shouldn’t smoke” to “I don’t smoke”; it might be called the “I Shouldn’t I Don’t” mind hack.

If you became conscious of how often you say “no”, then paying attention so  you say “yes” more frequently, that’s another; maybe “The Power of Yes”.

If you changed your focus from lack to gratitude; maybe “Easy Riches”.

Anything that helps you get results faster via better minding including meditations, hypnosis, writing, imagination, asking specific questions and my One Minute tools are too. 

Actually, my tools assist you with deleting and installing better thoughts and beliefs (both conscious and subconscious) and improving your focus

Regardless, this is what I do…

I help people find and repair or delete unwanted, unnecessary, unhealthy, unhelpful, disempowering, limiting and ineffective thoughts and beliefs; improve their focus and install wanted, necessary, healthy, beneficial, empowering, liberating and effective thoughts and beliefs.

Want to see how this works?

…or start with my codex of mind hacks


Never miss a life changing insight...

William Cassidy

About William Cassidy

William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.

Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.

Footprints in the Sand

Footprints in the Sand

I was like “What, only one set of footprints in the sand?” So, I said “Dude, what’s up with that?” – William Cassidy

Footprints in the Sand

As I was walking along the beach with my Lord.

I noticed that at many times along the path of my life, especially at the very lowest and saddest times, there was only one set of footprints.

I was like “What, only one set of footprints in the sand?” So, I said “Dude, what’s up with that?”

My Lord lovingly whispered, “The tide washed my prints away, you jackass”!

In an “attempt” to make self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation fun, I like to joke around.

Sometimes it works, sometimes not…

But, I guarantee that if you hire me as your coach, you will grow and have fun while doing it.

You likely won’t laugh at all my jokes (I may).

But, your life, with my direction will become infinitely easier and more enjoyable.

So, if you want to end stress, struggle, suffering and stuck in your life and create a life of ease, abundance and fulfillment, then let’s talk.


Never miss a life changing insight...

William Cassidy

About William Cassidy

William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.

Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.

Make Your Life Easier

The One Way to Make Your Life Easier

Make Your Life EasierThe one way to make your life easier that trumps everything else, is simple to implement and takes less effort than your current efforts.

When I was a kid, I was introduced to the Kubler-Ross 5 stages of grief model.

The 5 stage of grief postulates that when dealing with grief, people generally go through 5 emotions: denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance. 

So, I discovered the one way to make your life easier is to start with acceptance.

BTW, forgiveness is closely related to acceptance, so you could use that too.

When I discovered this, my logic was, if this is true, why not just start at acceptance? You are going to get there anyhow.

So, I contemplated it and figured it was mostly true and worth leveraging.

Also, I realized that acceptance is a good place to start for everything that happens.

Simply start at acceptance. This saves
you a lot of time and energy.
-William Cassidy

And, as a consequence I discovered that denial, bargaining, anger and depression are not great strategies for dealing with people, events and circumstances. They don’t make you feel good and are, ultimately, a result of unhealthy or ineffective thoughts and beliefs.

How to Make Your Life Easier

So, if you struggle with grief, anger, denial, bargaining or depression, simply get rid of the thoughts and beliefs that create these emotions and just accept everything.

It’s really not difficult.

But, it is a skill. And you can learn and get better at it; no matter where you are in your life right now.

What I recommend is to start by reading my Greater Powered Blueprint Report.

It gives you the exact tools you need to stop living a life centered around unwanted, unhelpful, unhealthy, disempowering and ineffective thoughts and beliefs.

You can finally stop suffering from these negative and unwanted effects.

And, it’s FREE!

How to QUICKLY Make Your Life Easier

If you want accelerated results, then check out my coaching programs.

That’s the best way to remove the uncertainty, confusion and overwhelm you will likely experience by going it alone.

Either way, take your first step towards living the life of your dreams today.

Again, it’s not difficult to live easy. You simply need the knowledge, skills and understanding to implement acceptance, the one way to make your life easier.


Never miss a life changing insight...

William Cassidy

About William Cassidy

William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.

Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.

If you believe that people suck

If You Believe That People Suck…

“If you believe that people suck,
you will meet a lot of people who suck.”
-William Cassidy

If you believe that people suck

Your reality is a mirror of that which you think and believe.

Whatever you believe will be true for you.

If you believe that people suck, you will meet a lot of people who suck.

It’s better for you to believe that people are kind, helpful and fun.

If you did, then you would meet a lot of people who are kind, helpful and fun.

Want to stop creating shit in you life that you don’t want?

Then, reprogram you mind for health, success and ease.

It’s as difficult as you make it and that’s why I suggest getting coaching help.

Continue suffering with aggravation, disappointment and misery or finally be free from the burdens your mind needlessly creates…

My coaching programs were designed to minimize your aggravation, confusion and overwhelm while maximizing your time, effort and results so that you don’t have to live a reality were people suck…or with almost anything else you don’t want.


Never miss a life changing insight...

William Cassidy

About William Cassidy

William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.

Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.

Heaven and Hell

Heaven, Hell and How to Feel Divine

The more authentic you are, the more
divine you will feel; and experience.
– William Cassidy

Heaven and Hell

Here’s my 2 cents about heaven, hell and how to feel divine…

The universe has its own laws, and the basic law is that to be real is to be in bliss, to be unreal is to be in misery.

The more authentic you are, the more divine you will feel; and experience.

When you are false; the resisting and fighting, forceful and violent, worrying and obsessing, escaping and denying, identifying and attaching, labeling and dividing, mind and ego you; you will suffer and feel like life is a hell.

If any part of your life isn’t healthy, fulfilled and at ease, then it’s because you have unhealthy, unhelpful, unnecessary, unwanted, disempowering and/or ineffective thoughts and beliefs..

But, you can fix them!

Everything can be fixed as far as I can tell. 

Once fixed, you will be liberated and no longer have to experience the associated pain. You are moving towards a life of growth and pleasure….from hell to heaven. 

Learn how in my Greater Powered Advanced Training Program.


For faster, easier, better results claim this free coaching session I’m offering.

It’s fast, fun and you get clarity, confidence and ease from a short phone call.

My only goal will be to help you: give you clarity, confidence and ease.

When we are finished, if you’d like to hear more. I will tell you about my coaching programs and I’ll happily answer any questions that you have.

So, click the button below to get the help you need to quickly and easily reprogram your mind so that you can stop suffering your current hell and create and live your own heaven on earth.


Never miss a life changing insight...

William Cassidy

About William Cassidy

William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.

Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.

Negative Effects of Meditation

Negative Effects of Meditation

I recently wrote about the benefits of meditation and today I thought I’d flip the coin and discuss the negative effects of meditation.

The timing works out well for another reason also, I just read an article discussing the dark side of meditation. I found the article interesting and decided to do a bit of further research.Negative Effects of Meditation

Here’s my take away on the several articles that I read…

They all discussed the possibility of experiencing negative side effects like, nausea, headaches, hallucinations and amplification of emotional problems.

A Critical Meditation Distinction

In my over 20 years of meditation, I never experienced any negative physical side effects. However, I did experience what I may describe as hallucinations while meditating; seeing colors and light with movement.

I wouldn’t say that I experienced amplified emotional problems, but emotions do become more obvious.

That leads me to the important distinction that seemed to be missing from each of the articles I read.

That distinction is that meditation is conscious non thinking. So, if you are perceiving an emotion, a hallucination, a headache as a problem, then you are not meditating. You are thinking.

The problem arises from a deficiency in our language. We understand meditation as a doing when in fact it is exactly the opposite.

We confuse meditation with meditation techniques.

Meditation is less the problem and the problem has more to do with the meditation technique being used.

By the way, one of the articles was relatively clear about this, but the others, not so much…

Meditation, as I stated earlier is conscious, non thinking. Meditations, meditating and doing meditation describe techniques to assist you in becoming meditative; or again, conscious but without thought.

So, in my opinion, which wasn’t clear in any of the article I read is this; Meditation, if you are conscious and not thinking, has very few if any negative effects.

You may get cramps, but that’s not meditations fault, it’s your position or duration.

My point is conscious non thinking is never the problem, it’s almost always something else.

How to Overcome the Negative Side Effects of Meditation

Also in my opinion, the most common problem is the meditator having the wrong meditation technique for their unique experience and personality.

This why having a coach, someone who has practiced meditation for years and years is so valuable.

A coach can also address another common side effect of meditation, and that is the dealing with confusion, stuck and misinterpretations. This is the negative mental side of meditation and how anxiety, depression and amplified emotional issues come into play.

Overcoming your ego and the unhealthy, ineffective and self destructive thoughts, beliefs and convictions we all have is part of the process. But, like I did and you may too when you go it alone, you may go down some “wrong” paths that keep you stuck and suffering. Occasionally, problems become exacerbated.

If you choose to go it alone without a coach, may I suggest reading my Greater Powered Advanced Training Program

But, if you want accelerated results with minimized aggravation, without wasting a lot of time, energy and money, then check out my coaching programs.

Click the link above, safely get started meditating and avoid most, if not all, of the negative effects of meditation.

Never miss a life changing insight...

William Cassidy

About William Cassidy

William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.

Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.


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