The Pathwork of Self-Transformation

Second Most Powerful Book

The Second Most Powerful Book I Ever Read

Second Most Powerful BookBefore I tell you about the second most powerful book i ever read, let me restate the third most powerful book: It was The Power of Now by Ekhart Tolley.

I also mentioned a few other helpful spiritual books. You can click the previous link to see more details.

Now that you are all caught up, my second most powerful book I ever read is The Pathwork of Self-Transformation by Eva Pierrakos. 

It is a very practical book for getting to know your mind and fixing what isn’t working in your life.

It explains with great insight and detail the workings of your mind. And if you use it correctly you can seriously make your life easier and better.

It’s one of those books that, depending on where you are in your spiritual journey, may be even more helpful the second or third time you read it.

However, when you invest your money and buy the book, spend your time to read it and then implement it’s teachings, you won’t be disappointed as your returns will be exponentially beneficial to you.

Although I don’t suggest everyone read the number one, most powerful book I ever read, I do say that everyone should read The Pathwork of Self-Transformation; and The Power of Now.

Both of these books will help you live a better, happy, healthy and more peaceful life.

But, for a certain few, I recommend the most powerful book I ever read.


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William Cassidy

About William Cassidy

William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.

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