eternal self

You Will Never Feel Whole and Complete Unless You Do This

You Will Never Feel Whole and Complete Unless You Do This…

You Will Never Feel Whole and Complete Unless You Do ThisWhen I say that you will never feel whole and complete unless you this, I do mean never.

You can bury or deny that extremely uncomfortable “something’s missing”, incomplete feeling, but you will never feel whole.

You may have a partner and think that they complete you, but they don’t.

If you add two incomplete people together, you don’t get two whole people.

Sure it feels great and I’m not against it, but it doesn’t make you feel whole and complete.

Actually, having a partner is often a subtle way of distracting and denying that incomplete feeling.

Only one thing will make you feel whole and that is self realization; knowing your “true” self.

My language preference is “essential” self.

Your true self is essential and eternal and if you don’t know who you are, you will always have the feeling that something is missing.

Sure, you can bury it or live your life with worldly distractions, but it’s there.

This is a reason many can’t be alone or in silence.

If you are someone who is always in your phone, have TV or music on or some other distraction including children, hobbies and service to others, then, most likely, you don’t know your essential self, and that’s why.

How to Know Your Essential Self

The simplest way to self realize is to start meditating. You will uncover who you really are in time.

Another way is to make the mind shift from identifying your self as a physical human being to understanding then knowing that you are metaphysical.

You are so much more than your mind, body, thinking, past-future identification.

I outline another technique in my “Greater Powered Blueprint” mini-class, that imparts the best way to start. 

But, if you want the best results the fastest, I recommend joining one of my Greater Powered coaching programs.

I have two…

One is VIP and the other is Unlimited Coaching and they both come with access to the more detailed “Greater Powered Advanced Training Program”.

However, your real benefit is having someone with experience helping you navigate and overcome the obstacles and self sabotage that you will surely experience along your journey.

Plus a whole lot more!

So, stop suffering with that “something’s missing” feeling for the rest of your life and take action to feel whole and complete.

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William Cassidy

About William Cassidy

William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.

Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.


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