Richard Leigh

Dance Like Nobody's Watching

Dance Like Nobody’s Watching Quote and Story

You may know the dance like nobody’s watching quote, but today I have a dance like nobody’s watching story.

Dance Like Nobody's WatchingHere’s is what happens when you dance like nobody’s watching…

Dance Like Nobody’s Watching Story

It’s best to imagine it as you read this.

I’m sitting upstairs doing a bit of writing on my laptop.

I hear loud music begin playing outside.

At first I try to just ignore it but I start wondering who is playing music this loud out front?

So, out of the window and I see a Fedex or Amazon truck, not sure, and a young girl delivering a package.

The driver’s side door is wide open into the street and the music, dance music, is blasting.

The home she was delivering the package to has a clear and all glass front door.

Just inside the door, their dog, a sort of Boxer-Pit Bill mix.

Then the young girl delivered the package and started dancing for the dog who sat there with a dumb, confused look on his face.

“What are you doing, woof?”

The music was full throttle and so was she. I mean, she was really shaking it – dancing like nobody’s watching.

Steadily watching her, the dog sat there entertained in doggie disbelief.

Suddenly the dog’s owner came to the door and unexpectedly startled the dancing delivery driver.

She turned and ran back to her truck.

Laughing at the whole event, I thought that’s the way to do it.

Dance Like Nobody’s Watching Quote

The whole dance like nobody’s watching quote is attributed to songwriters Susanna Clark and Richard Leigh for the song “Come from the Heart” and goes like this:

You’ve got to sing like you don’t need the money
Love like you’ll never get hurt
You’ve got to dance like nobody’s watchin’
It’s gotta come from the heart if you want it to work.

Controversy surrounds the quote as others have subsequently changed, added and inverted some lines, then used and credited as the originator. Read this to learn more. 

Regardless, the point is that dancing like nobody’s watching makes you feel amazingly in tune with your essential self.

Most, rarely if ever, get to experience their essential self. Even if only for a brief moment.

Most people spend their entire life never knowing their essential, true, higher self.

If you don’t KNOW your essential self and you’d like to experience confidence, ease and fulfillment it brings, then go download my free report that explains everything you need to know to self realize.

I call it Greater Powered: The Blueprint for Manifesting Your Unimaginable Dream Life.

Simply implement a tiny bit of the wisdom within and you’ll feel inside like you’re dancing like nobody’s watching..

Never miss a life changing insight...

William Cassidy

About William Cassidy

William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.

Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.


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