The Most Powerful Book I Ever Read

Most Powerful BookBefore I tell you what the most powerful book I ever read was, I want to recap how we got here.

First, I mentioned great spiritual books that didn’t make my top 3 including The Celestine Prophecy, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, The Dancing Wu Li Masters, Be Here Now, The Seven Laws of Spiritual Success, The Four Agreements, The Seat of the Soul .

There were many more that I didn’t include (and for the purposes of this posts series I’ve discluded religious books like The Bible and the Tao Te Ching).

Then, I shared my third most powerful book I ever read and my second most powerful book I ever read. Namely The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolley and The Pathwork of Self-Transformation by Eva Pierrakos respectively.

The Most Powerful Book

So, the most powerful book I ever read is Osho’s The Book of Secrets.

No doubt!

Osho, also known as Rajneesh, Acharya Rajneesh and Bhagwan Shri Rajneesh is a controversial figure who called himself the “spiritually incorrect mystic”.

But, don’t let that influence you negatively.

I frequently advise people not to trust me but to listen, evaluate and decide for yourself. Let me earn your trust by repetitively helping you. When I have earned your trust, continue listening, evaluating and deciding for yourself.

The basis for that is also much of the basis of what Osho talks about in The Book of Secrets.

The Book of Secrets is Osho’s interpretation of the 112 meditations described in the Bhagavad Gita. The Bhagavad Gita is a Hindu scripture from around the second century BCE.

It took me about 4 years to complete the book. By “complete the book” I mean, play with all 112 meditations.

I say “play” because, that’s what I did. It’s always been a core philosophy of mine and it’s also what Osho recommends.

This is a serious book that can only be leveraged through playful implementation.

Have you ever heard that said about a book before?

Regardless, “playful implementation” is an important clue to successfully using this book.

You must be playful and you must do the work or you will get less benefit.

This Book Is Not for Everyone

But, If you are serious about your meditation practice, then this is the one book you should buy:
Get Osho’s The Book of Secrets now

If you are just beginning your meditation practice, I recommend an easier Osho book like Pharmacy for the Soul.

Or, in a similar fashion to how I found Osho, you could just go to Amazon and get one of his books that just seems to “speak to you”.

Anyhow, I highly recommend introducing yourself to the subtle wisdom of the most powerful book I ever read as you will, if you playfully implement the discourse, likely enjoy a powerful transformation.


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William Cassidy

About William Cassidy

William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.

Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.

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The Second Most Powerful Book I Ever Read


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