master your mind
The Best Life Strategist for Rapid Life Improvement
If you are looking for the best life strategist, it’s me.
When you stop laughing I’ll tell you why…
OK, to be the best life strategist you have to have the best life strategy.
And, I have it. I have it because I’ve done the work to know it.
You can read about it here:
Basically, it says to grow spiritually while mastering your mind.
It’s my proprietary way of quickly and easily getting you to be present.
That’s where the ultimate resides, in the immediate: the present.
Does Tony know this? I’m not sure he does. Maybe?
If you are asking if I believe that I’m better than Tony Robbins and other famous Gurus, I’d say “nobody’s better”.
But, I guarantee I’m cheaper and as, if not more, effective. So, my value to you is higher.
Yes, I know what I’ve said so far sounds egotistical. You’re correct. It does. But, it’s not.
I don’t think I’m special in any way. I’m about as average as they come.
Actually, I used to do some marketing so I’m specifically targeting the best life strategist keyword.
I’m am sure that I can help you as I know what works because I’ve done it myself.
Also, I won’t cost you a small fortune, like Tony.
And, it doesn’t matter where you are in life or what problems you have.
Pretty much everything can be fixed.
So, if you want rapid life improvement in less time, with less effort and obstacles, then you need the best life strategist.
Contact me and let’s get started or check out my manifestation blueprint for free.
About William Cassidy
William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.
Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.
Are You Struggling to Manifest Your Dream Life?
Are you struggling to manifest your dream life?
You’re not alone. Many people have a hard time bringing their desires to reality because they let their negative thoughts and beliefs hold them back.
But it doesn’t have to be this way…
Everyone has the power to quickly and easily manifest their dream life. That’s why I created the Greater Powered Advanced Training Program.
The program is an advanced training system to help you source realize, master your mind and manifest your dream life.
If you want the knowledge, skills and understanding to always feel “good”, never feel “bad” and get the life you want, this is for you.
The program contains everything all humans need to know to truly be successful (much was never taught to us).
It contains the best of what I learned from 25+ years of meditation, study and subjective experiments.
You’ll gain clarity, confidence and ease as life stops “happening to you” and you become “the creator” of the life you were truly meant to live.
If you want your life to be easy, fun, prosperous and fulfilling, you can create that. If you want your life to be hectic, challenging and unbelievably prosperous, you can create that.
Money, love, relationships, stuff; whatever you want you can create it into your life when you know how. And the better you get, the quicker the manifestations take place.
So, the quicker you start, the quicker you can manifest your dream life.
If you are thinking that you can’t, you can; that it’ll take too long, it doesn’t; that it’s too late, it’s not; to expensive, to difficult, no time, etc; no, it’s not.
Your mind now telling you all the reasons “why not” IS a big part of the problem we’ll fix. When you, not your mind is in control; your whole world changes for the better.
So, take inspired action now and buy the ultimate holistic health and fitness system at or contact me and I’ll answer any questions you have and help you manifest your dream life.
About William Cassidy
William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.
Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.
3 Critical Keys to Spiritual Maturity
Many are asking “what are the keys to spiritual maturity?”
One could interpret this question a few different ways, but I’ll explain it by giving you two of the most critical keys to spiritual maturity and then the real key.
Critical Keys to Spiritual Maturity
Know Who You Are
The first key is simply a basic understanding of who you truly are.
You are not your mind and/or body, you are the spirit.
Your spirit is your essential self: the conscious witness.
You can understand this, but you don’t believe it because you have competing beliefs that are stronger.
Those competing beliefs are that you are your mind. You identify with your mind including thoughts and beliefs.
This mis-identification is called ego.
You’ve been taught to identify with your mind and body all your life.
However, once you begin to understand that you are not your mind and are the conscious witness, you are what some would call “awakened”.
Now, you, the conscious you, can work on that which keeps you from developing spiritually. Namely, your mind.
Master Your Mind
Your mind has a few big issues to deal with.
First, it was programmed by your main caregivers and society when you were a child and incapable of discerning what got programmed.
This programming started immediately after birth and psychology tells us that it’s around 12 years old before you develop complete control.
This means that most of your programming is now subconscious to you, the spiritual witness.
Next, is your mind’s constant activity. Jumping from topic to topic, the Chinese call this drunken monkey mind.
And, this is obviously not helpful to your spiritual maturity.
Third is your focus. Most people’s ability to focus is severely limited by constant distractions.
Most don’t even realize you can focus your mind from uncontrolled thinking to conscious non-thinking.
Conscious non-thinking is meditation. Contemplation and concentration are the steps in between.
These three issues are the biggest hurdles to mastering your mind.
Now, all of this may sound complicated or daunting to learn, but it’s not.
Spiritual Growth via Mind Mastery
Once you know who you truly are, you can begin to get control of your mind.
It actually takes less effort than the constant thinking that drains your energy and causes you to feel a bunch of low frequency emotions that you don’t want to feel. Think fear, doubt, anger, frustration, guilt, jealousy, shame…
By the way, there are also numerous health, well being and better living benefits to mastering your mind.
The biggest consequence of mastering your mind is spiritual growth but also you’ll be able to choose the reality that you create and how you feel.
You will be able to end stress, struggle and suffering for good.
If that sounds like something you’d enjoy, I recommend you get the Greater Powered Advanced Training Program.
It’s the ultimate mind, body and spirit fitness system designed to help you quickly and easily self realize, master your mind and consciously create your best life.
If you want the fastest results with the least effort, then you should see if my coaching is right for you.
To close, in the beginning I told you that there were different ways to interpret the keys to spiritual maturity question. And, you’ve probably noticed I only gave you two keys so far.
So, to give you the third and most correctly answer this question; you consciously choosing is the key to spiritual maturity.
If you never choose to grow spiritually, you won’t.
Your mind will keep you suffering and your spirit undeveloped if you let it.
Today, I’m asking you to gain the knowledge, skill and understanding and be the keys to spiritual maturity by choosing to take action towards better living.
About William Cassidy
William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.
Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.
To Whom Is The Subconscious Programming of Your Mind Subconscious?
Ever wonder to whom the subconscious programming of your mind is subconscious to?
If you agree that you are your mind, body and spirit, continue reading…
Understand that your mind is not conscious, unconscious or subconscious, you are.
The you I’m referring to is your spirit self; your essential, eternal, higher and not mind self.
You are either conscious or unconscious of the programming of your mind.
The subconscious programming of your mind is the programming that you were once aware of but no longer are. Examples would include programming from your early childhood, chronic patterns of thought and any trauma you’ve experienced.
Are you conscious of ALL of your mind’s programming?
Is your spirit self liberated from your mind and in control of it?
Why is Your Subconscious Programming So Important?
Although there are many, I’m discussing one specific reason that will benefit you greatly to understand.
Your reality is created by this programming; both consciously and unconsciously.
When you are creating unconsciously, it’s because you are unconscious of your subconscious mind.
You are always creating. Creating is not something you do sometimes.
That’s a big reason why you experience people, circumstances and situations that you don’t want. Then, think something happened to you.
Nothing happens to you, you create it. You just aren’t conscious of the reason or the how.
When you understand the how, you can find the cause and fix it.
So, If you fix and optimize your unhealthy, unwanted, unnecessary, divisive, limiting, ineffective and disempowering programming, both conscious and subconscious, your entire reality will change accordingly; the created.
You should be aware of everything you believe and eliminate the programming that isn’t serving you with programming that does, or nothing.
Makes sense right?
Then, you will be the conscious creator and you can create, experience and feel anything you want.
You can also stop creating the crap that you don’t want.
This is what I want to help you know, live and experience…
If you want help overcoming your subconscious programming, my blueprint, advanced training course or coaching will get you results faster and easier than you might think possible.
About William Cassidy
William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.
Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.
How To Focus On One Thing Without Getting Distracted
Most people don’t know how to focus on one thing without getting distracted.
Partly because we live in the age of distraction.
Mostly because we don’t even know how to focus.
For this article, I looked up “how to focus” and the answer was misleading at best.
The number one google result says “There’s no one answer for how to improve focus, but the following tips can help”.
This is clearly wrong and misleading.
They suggest tips to help you improve your focus but do not teach you how to focus.
Example, their first tip “eliminate distractions” is a very helpful and makes sense but it’s doesn’t teach you how to focus.
Eliminating distraction makes it easier, obviously, but it doesn’t explain how to focus.
What this tells me is that the article was written by someone who doesn’t know how to focus because they have never mastered their mind.
Let me tell you how to focus and see what you think.
First, it’s important to understand what focus actually is.
Focus is the conscious narrowing of the mind’s movement and activity.
When your mind has no focus or boundaries, it can jump from topic to topic like a drunken monkey.
When your mind has some focus, it has a boundary. It’s movement is constrained. It can still jump around, but not anywhere. Only within the designated boundaries.
This is called contemplation. The boundary is a self imposed topic.
When your mind’s focus is on a singular item and it can not jump around. It must stay at that one point or on that one thought. This is called concentration.
How to Focus
So, how to focus?
Limit your mind’s activity from broad to narrow by consciously limiting it’s movement.
Every time it moves beyond the constraint, consciously bring it back to within.
This can seem difficult or impossible at first but it’s a skill you can easily develop with some practice.
The practice I would recommend the most is meditation.
Meditation is when your mind’s activity is consciously stopped. Your mind has no room to move, not in space or time. This is meditation.
And just so you know, many meditation techniques are basically concentration techniques that you are meant to eventually drop to experience meditation.
So, yes there is a singular technique for how to focus. It’s consciously narrowing the movement and activity of your mind.
And yes, activity is movement, I use them together for clarity.
Meditation is also the single best way to improve your life that I have ever found.
Meditation allows you to grow your spiritual influence and master your mind as well as improve your focus.
How To Focus On One Thing Without Getting Distracted
So, now you know how to focus on one thing without getting distracted.
Just to be clear, you will get distracted. The idea is to pull yourself back to task. This builds a sort of strength, then it becomes easy.
Even when you master your mind, you will regularly have to control it.
But, your mind will not cause you the level of pain and suffering you experience before mind mastery. And you will feel amazingly great as your life is not being wasted by your mind.
Besides meditaion for focusing on one thing without getting distracted, I have other techniques to help you grow your spirit, master your mind and consciously create your best life in my holistic health and fitness system.
Be warned, your life will never be the same…
About William Cassidy
William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.
Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.
Spiritual Ascension Guide for the Best and Fastest Results
Are you looking for a spiritual ascension guide?
Then you are in the right place because that’s exactly what I teach.
Although I typically call myself a spiritual or mindset coach, they all are pretty much the same.
So, what exactly does a spiritual ascension guide teach.
I basically teach two things: how to grow spiritually and how to master your mind.
As I’ve said before, growing spiritually causes one to feel better and mastering your mind causes one to stop feeling “bad”.
What Is Spiritual Ascension?
First, a couple of things to understand…
You know how your phone, laptop or tablet needs to be regularly charged or it work. It doesn’t have life, it’s dead when it’s not charged.
Well, humans are similar except more sophisticated and powerful.
We also don’t need a wire and when we recharge, we also get some healing.
That charging process is called sleep.
When you sleep, the universe, source, god or whatever you prefer, energizes and returns you to your state of homeostasis.
If you don’t sleep, you’ll become less healthy, your performance will suffer and you can die.
Have you ever wondered why or what is actually happening during sleep?
What’s happening that’s notable, is that your mind is off. The constant activity and thinking is off.
Important note: you are unconscious and you are not thinking.
The thinking is absorbing or wasting all of your life when you are awake, and when the thinking stops, you receive the life energy from the universe.
This all takes place, as I said, unconsciously during sleep.
Meditation is the technique to consciously stop thinking.
When you meditate, it’s the same as when sleeping, but even more powerful. Your health and energy are restored; along with your spirit elevating.
That’s what meditation is. It’s conscious nonthinking.
So, you are receiving the ultimate power and intelligence of the universe all the time, but while you are awake, you are wasting it all with incessant thinking and identifying with it. When you consciously stop thinking, you are not wasting your life force and it automatically energizes and heals you.
What Does That Have To Do With Spiritual Ascension?
Now that you better understand the process that is taking place for all humans, let me put it all together.
To spiritually ascend means to grow your spirit while decreasing your minding (identification, focus and activity of the mind).
To spiritually ascend you must master your mind. And when you spiritually ascend, you will feel better and create better.
How To Know If You Spiritually Ascend
Another point to highlight is that your ascension can be measured.
When your spirit ascends, your overall vibrational frequency rises.
This can be measured by feeling. Higher consciousness feels better. Lower consciousness, feels worse but you really don’t notice because you are, be definition, not aware. Your life sucks as you feel like a victim of life and the negative emotions you frequently experience.
So, hire vibes, higher consciousness, spiritual growth, mind mastery; peace, joy and fulfillment; all mostly mean the same thing. At least practically speaking.
Do I Need A Spiritual Ascension Guide?
Yes, almost everyone does!
But you can still progress by doing it yourself.
I recommend starting with my free blueprint for manifesting your unimaginable dream life. It contains everything you need to master your mind and spiritually ascend.
However, if you want faster results, check out the advanced training course.
It’s a holistic health and fitness masterpiece if you ask me; and one of the best ways to spiritually ascend without receiving personalized coaching.
If you want a spiritual ascension guide for the best and fastest results, apply to get coaching with me. It’s free to apply and there is no risk to find out more.
I look forward to helping you spiritually ascend and create your best life.
About William Cassidy
William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.
Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.
How to Make Yourself Feel Better About Yourself
If you’ve ever wondered how to make yourself feel better about yourself, it’s really pretty easy.
Actually, it’s effortless once you practice a bit.
There are only two ways to make yourself feel better about yourself: grow spiritually and master your mind.
When you grow spiritually, your overall vibrational frequency increases which means you feel better.
When you master your mind, you eliminate what causes you to feel “bad”. Namely, low frequency beliefs that are felt as emotions like fear, hate, guilt and shame.
So, if you grow spiritually, you can master your mind and by mastering your mind you’ll grow spiritually.
The result will be decreased stress, struggle and suffering as well as a life well lived.
The question becomes, how fast do you want positive results.
If you like going it alone like me, you may save your money and download my free blueprint. All the information and the tools you’ll need are included.
If you want faster results, take my advanced training course.
To get the best results the fastest and easiest, you want my coaching. The course comes with it.
Anyway, now that you know how to make yourself feel better about yourself, take some action today towards the life you really want.
About William Cassidy
William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.
Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.
The Best Life Strategy Is to Grow Spiritually While…
The best life strategy is to grow spiritually while you master your mind.
Growing spiritually helps you feel better.
Mastering your mind helps you stop feeling “bad”.
Growing spiritually is often expressed as growing conscious, aware or present.
What it basically comes down to is this…
You don’t feel as “good” as you could when you are unconscious because your spirit is subjugated and suppressed by your mind.
Not only will you feel worse than what you could, you will feel like a victim of life. Frequent stress, struggle, fear and suffering will be your experience. You will feel disconnected, unworthy, inadequate and can be destructive to yourself, others and things.
However, when you are conscious, you not only feel better, you know you are the creator of your life. Good health, ease and fulfillment are mostly your experience. You feel connected, loved and don’t hurt others because you know that hurting others hurts yourself.
Also, you can fix and optimize your thoughts, beliefs and focus to get what you want and feel whatever you choose. This is the real treasure and what I teach in my Advanced Training System.
It is simply a better, faster, easier way to grow spiritually and master your mind.
So, if you’re tired of suffering through life, and want to grow spiritually and master your mind…
Check out the ultimate holistic health and fitness system: Greater Powered.
This advanced training system will give you the knowledge, skills and understanding to quickly and easily feel or create anything you want.
Now that I think about it, buying and using the Greater Powered System may be the best life strategy.
About William Cassidy
William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.
Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.
Benefits of Meditation That Gurus Never Share
You probably already know the more common benefits of meditation like increased performance and focus; better sleep and more energy; reduced stress, depression and anxiety; improved emotional health and a myriad of additional and health benefits.
But, they are not necessarily the best benefits of meditation. Sure, they are if you are suffering from any one of them.
However, I have 3 other benefits of meditation that are rarely, if ever, shared and they way more beneficial and important to living a healthy, easy, fulfilling life.
Or, at least, better to know and be aware of; especially if you are younger.
That said, it’s never too late to benefit from these hidden benefits of meditation…
Hidden Benefits of Meditation
Opportunity to Self Realize
When you meditate, you become more conscious and begin to dis-identify with your ego.
As you become conscious, you realize your essential, eternal and “true” self (sometimes called your higher self) then begin feeling whole, complete, at ease, confident and in control.
Feeling incomplete, conflicted, like something is missing, broken or just not right is caused by not knowing your essential self.
Meditation is the best way to reveal your true self and self realize.
Ability Master Your Mind
When you become conscious you gain the ability to master your mind and end stress, struggle and suffering. That’s the second major benefit of meditation.
What causes all the stress, struggle and suffering in your life is your un-mastered mind. And, you cannot master your mind without being conscious.
So, meditation is the best way to be conscious and master your mind.
Ability to Consciously Create Your Reality
As you become conscious and master your mind, you gain the the third major benefit of meditation: the ability to consciously create any reality you wish.
Therefore, unwanted people, circumstances and experiences are a result of not consciously creating your reality. Life will seem beyond your control and negative things will happen to you. You are a victim of life, but more accurately, a victim of not consciously creating.
When you master your mind, you control what you think, believe, feel, create and attract.
When you consciously create, your needs and wants are quickly and effortlessly fulfilled.
Meditation is the best way to increase consciousness and create your best life.
How to Meditate
You may now be wondering how to meditate?
I teach a simple, effective meditation in a free report I just published.
Click the next link to download my Greater Powered Blueprint, it explains everything you need to know and a bit more.
Additionally, it contains the exact blueprint you can use to not only enjoy for yourself the hidden benefits of meditation, but also the steps needed to self realize, master your mind and consciously create your dream life.
About William Cassidy
William Cassidy is an Spiritual Guide and Mindset Coach who specializes in self realization, mind mastery and conscious creation.
Check out Bill's Ultimate Mind, Body and Spirit Fitness System: Greater Powered.